COMPLETE: (Katie/Alicia)

Jul 02, 2009 23:34

Congratulations to purelush, who has completed all thirteen prompts for the pairing Katie Bell/Alicia Spinnet!

Check it out!

1. I'd Do Anything for a Blonde Dyke, R (unidentified falling object)
2. Sweetie, Darling, R (idiosyncrasies)
3. In the Grass, R (ink blots)
4. Intervention, PG (mum's the word)
5. Joys of the Season, PG (of brightly-colored baubles)
6. I'm Not Loving You the Way I Wanted To, PG (to both extremes)
7. Not Her, R (swirling to nowhere)
8. Lonely Ghosts, PG-13 (the seventh circle)
9. The Games We Play, PG-13 (and now for something completely different)
10. All Along, Not So Strong, PG (atomic)
11. Welcome to Canada, PG-13 (well, if you put it that way)
12. Covet, R (pining for normalcy)
13. Till Armageddon, R (till death)

*femslash, pairing: alicia/katie, *complete, user: purelush

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