ceirdwenfc Recipient:
roses_at_sunset Title: Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine
Pairing: Ernie Macmillan/Susan Bones
Request: summer breeze
Rating: R
Word Count: 2101
Summary: Loch Cibeirdraoid is full of summer breezes and people to enjoy them.
Author's Notes: Many notes, sorry. First, this is my OTP, so I apologize for going over the word count. I hope that's all right. Second, this version of Ernie Macmillan (being a shepherd, his family having a sheep/Demiguise farm, living at Loch Cibeirdraoid in the Highlands of Scotland (including the name Loch Cibeirdraoid) is the version appearing in
thanfiction 's
Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness. Other than the characterization of Ernie, this is an AU to DAYD and Bittersweet. Other than that, it fits into HP-verse canon. Thank you to
thanfiction for the speedy beta. Third, the title Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine is from the Seals & Crofts' song Summer Breeze (1971) and belongs to them. And finally, this was written for the
rarepair_shorts Wishlish Summer 2009 Challenge for the request of Ernie/Susan, summer breeze for
roses_at_sunset .
Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel Fine