But Why?

Apr 14, 2010 02:15


I can't be the only one out there who ships Carmen Sandiego with Danny Ocean. Or maybe Dr. Spencer Reid with Eleven? Tony Stark and Nick Fury more your style? Don't worry, you don't have to explain yourself and we're not going to judge you for it, because we're all alike. We have love for the pairings that either don't exist, or do exist and don't get nearly the attention that they deserve.

That's where rarepair50 comes in. It's really simple. Every month ten prompt tables of 50 words are posted. You head over to the sign ups and tell us what pairings you'd like to write for which prompt tables. Then you take that prompt table and you try your best to fill it up with 50 stories of at least 100 words about the pairing you've claimed. We're not competitive and we don't punish you for not finishing. It's a laid back way to write and ideally at the end of the month and two weeks, you've contributed a wealth of fics to the pairing and fandom that you and others love.

So check out the rules and check out the the FAQ to ask your questions. Then remember to claim your pairings!

Good luck and have fun!

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