Below is a list of the prompts that those who have signed up have provided:
Prompt # 1: Taemin/Jonghyun; "To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god." - Jorge Luis Borges
Prompt # 2: Onew/Minho and/or Taemin/Key; "I have been in love with you since you bought those shoes in Zagreb 2,269 days ago."
*; "The world is better backwards."
* "The fire at sea"
* Prompt # 3: Taemin/Key; Something about key thinking he likes irang because he's fascinated by how non-glamorous she is, but turns out she will never like him and he goes to taemin to heal his butthurt. then he realizes he's liked taemin all along, and forgets about getting rejected. (
Supplementary prompt)
Prompt # 4: Taemin/Key; "i want a club scene where taemin and key meet and dance/feel each other up and never meet again omfg i know its tragic but I NEED IT IN MY LIFE."
Prompt # 5: Taemin/Key, but other pairs are also okay; "umm, i like anything, rly! i'm a /big fan/ of first-time fic, whether it be getting together OR have been together and it's their first time having sex (or both would be fabulous lmfao!!!). not huge on fluff, but i will take it." (Supplementary prompts:
1 2 3 4 5)
Prompt # 6: Jonghyun/Minho or Minho/Key; "Few buildings, few lives are built so well even their ruins are beautiful." (Supplementary prompts:
1 2)
Prompt # 7: Onew/Taemin; In a misguided attempt at a ~manly~ rite of passage, Onew takes Taemin to a strip club.
Prompt # 8: Onew/Taemin; "When he told the truth it never sounded like the truth but it felt like the truth." (
Full text)
Prompt # 9: Onew/Taemin; A boy meets boy in the country, with one of them a kite maker. (
Supplementary prompt)
Prompt # 10: Jonghyun/Taemin; City lights
Prompt # 11: Onew/Minho; Onew's the busy college student who secretly wants to be a singer, Minho is the soccer player that Onew sometimes sees around at night -- the boy who still plays even with an injured leg. They relate over lost dreams and push each other to strive for something more than just acceptance.
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