Player name: Violet
Characters played: Adrien, Blythe, Piper, Riley, Sebastian
Character Name: Melinda "Minnie" Pan
Age: 20
Suit/Rank: Four of Diamonds
History: Melinda was brought up in a family devoted to serving the Suit. Her father was a soldier at the outposts and her mother was a nanny for young Diamond parents. Minnie had always admired her mother and father's lines of work, and aspired to follow in their footsteps one day, to become either a nanny or a teacher. She adored children, after all, and she wanted to make an impact in other people's lives. Once she became fifteen, she had to begin to work - or at least start to work towards attaining her dream job. It was tradition in the Pan family. However, she found that she couldn't simultaneously go to school and prepare for a job in education. Therefore, she was sent to work under the Head Butler, spending her nights polishing bathroom mirrors in Diamond Castle. The years progressed, and she only ever challenged up once, after losing her temper with an older man. She was able to defeat him 6-4 in a ten round game of Kerning.
After graduating from school in the Deck, Minnie was planning to leave the housekeeping staff once she finished her online degree in Education. However, two years into her studies, a wrench was thrown into her plans. Once it became common knowledge that Isaac was sick, possibly terminally ill, she knew what she had to do to support the Suit. Despite her wishes to become a teacher, the Suit needed someone with experience in the housekeeping staff, and though she was young, she had shown exemplary work the five years that she had been working. She knew that she had the capabilities for the job, and her parents urged her to take the opportunity to assume a higher role in serving the Suit. Her immediate move was to challenge up to Four (successfully completing a Stroop Test faster than her opponent). As one of the higher ranking individuals in the housekeeping staff, she applied, and was eventually chosen to become Head Butler.
Personality: Minnie is naturally cute, bright, and cheerful. She has been a perfectionist ever since a young age, always trying to be the best at everything she attempts. As a result, now that she is a Butler, she's trying very hard to fit in with the stereotypical image of a Butler. It's difficult for her to be passive, responsive, and straight-faced, like she imagines a Butler must be, but she endeavors to change her personality to fit these traits anyway. However, her stubborn nature and her inherent kindness make exhibiting these less emotional traits nigh impossible. Basically, she finds it difficult to separate herself from her work, and is trying to make herself perfect for her new occupation.
She adores helping younger children, and still hopes to become a teacher some day in the future. She's also very touchy-feely, and treats everyone with as much kindness as she can muster. She's very emotional in general, but moves more quickly towards anger than towards sadness. Additionally, she smiles perpetually, and loves laughing, though she has toned these aspects of her personality down lately. She's fiercely protective of not only her friends and family, but also her thoughts and ideals. With all the work she's putting into being the best Butler she can be, she has a tendency to get angry if someone insinuates that she's not capable of filling the role that she's been chosen for.
Appearance: Minnie is of average height with large brown eyes and a willowy figure. She likes to keep her hair long, though it occasionally makes working a little difficult. She always appears crisp and polished, though her sense of fashion certainly bleeds through her working suit, no matter how hard she tries to avoid it. She adores quirky articles of clothing, like the red bows she wears everyday (she uses Leigh's ability to identify her as an excuse).
Character PB: Li Bingbing
Writing sample: this Suit?: Thanks to her parents, Minnie was raised with an intense sense of devotion to the Suit and desire to perform duties and services for the Suit. As a result, the idea of switching the Suits that her parents were born in has never occurred to her.
How did you hear about us? I have nothing witty to say. /o\