last night was fantastically amazing. im not so much dreading this semester now. everything happens for a fucking reason.
(ONLY TODAY AND TOMORROW LEFT...can it be? I get to sleep in on Friday...sigh..)
and i have a new screenname:
tin cann phone...use it or lose it.
tonight = inner harbor. YOU, my friend, should come. i mean, even tori amos will be there.
i want to get something pierced. im saving some extra money for precisely this purpose. and i think im dying my hair brown on saturday. because, well, why not?
and i couldn't go a day without posting just quite yet. maybe tomorrow...BAHA i doubt it.
also, go here --->>>
http://postsecret.blogspot.comif you havent heard of it already, which you probably have, but i think its cool (and its based out of germantown...i wanna go find the place. just for fun)