"you always have smile on face"

Sep 08, 2005 22:55

So I have decided that I should update my journal the old fashion way; with an actual update about my life! Yay!

So I started at MCC about 2-3 weeks ago, i'm taking 13 units. The classes appear to be insanely easy. My bio teacher glazes over the fine print for easy understanding, while i’m just sitting there screaming "capillary action! high specific heat allows for greater energy to be absorbed! Phosphate binds to the protein!" (AAAAGGGHHH!) So there is an easy A. I love the style of teaching in college; just pure lecture, nothing else. No stupid group work, no weird trying to be fun and learning 'exercises', no unnecessary need for creativity: just simple learning. I’m lucky I have classes with a bunch of my coworkers or else I would go crazy. No, I wouldn’t go crazy; I would just be very bored. Oh I saw a friend, and we agreed to eat lunch together, but yesterday I saw him and he was going to go study and I was going to go nap so it didn’t happen. But there will be other times, and he has class at the same time, so it’s bound to happen.

Speaking of guys, I don’t know what to do. I’m interested in a couple, but not quite ready to go down the mutually exclusive route too soon yet, but I don’t know how to quite get above the just friends level to seeing them more frequently. Plus the going out with someone for like 3 years and having your heart mowed over by a dump truck and being their used to be best friend (brutal honesty) really screws up things. So far, in relationships, I am used to going really slow, and I like it that way. It gives me time to think about it, to see if I really want it. But it seems like people in the dating scene move really fast, or I just get the impression, I don’t really know. I really am a big wimp, plus I hate calling people I don’t know on the phone. Shoot, I just hate talking on the phone entirely. So what do I do? Nothing. I’m fine where I am

Vie had my braces on (or at least the orthodontics) for a year now. Interestingly enough, it must be a turn off to some. When I went to the stampede, this guy got nervous talking to my friend Sherilyn ( who ironically enough, was taken--we were there for my own singledom) so he asked me how long it is until I get my braces off. So I told him and all, but seriously, that’s come up in conversations before. I think I am just being super sensitive, but is there a hint in there? I mean I know ill look better when I get them off, but does it ruin the picture that much? For me they’re annoying, and I know they’re there, and it’s not like I enjoy it immensely; constantly having to dig food out and making sure there isn’t some weird green slimy thing staring a hot guy in the face. The only plus is that they give my lips an extra sexy poof--I could be a lip model. ;) Jk but whatever, vie been really curious about it. W/e

In case you didn’t know, i've been interning for a lawyer for the past 3 weeks or so. He has his own practice and has super nice, they’re really flexible with the hours and are really patient about teaching me about the law they practice. I really like the idea of becoming a lawyer, their briefs are just one big 40 page debate paper, and if you know me you know I love debates. While everything isn’t nearly as glamorous as on TV it is interesting, while the prospect of charging upwards to $250 an hour is another added bonus. I really want to get good grades in college and with this as well as some clubs I hope I can be a candidate for a really good law school, say....Stanford. Yeah, yeah, yeah, laugh now, but when I have that degree and I pass the bar, you’ll be eating your foot.

So that’s the plan. I have a Europe buddy who is going next year (at least he says so, ill save and if not, all the more money for later) it will cost around $2000 and I will have to pay for it all. But Brandon says he has family that we can stay at, and I do to, so that saves allot of money. The trains and the airplane tickets are the most expensive. IM SO EXCITED!!! Yes! But I want to go everywhere. I’m even thinking about that semester at sea thing. Maybe when I don’t have to worry about getting all my units done ill do that.

I think ill start a Europe or BUST fund so ppl can start sending me money :)
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