Girls Getting Harder - [1/1]

Jan 22, 2010 18:56

Title: Girls Getting Harder
Author: zephyrina
Pairings: Bob Bryar/Brian Schechter/Frank Iero
Rating: NC-17
POV/Wordcount: Third - 2,185 words
Summary: After a while (and with some external help), Brian realizes that waking up with a brand new body has its pros, too.
Disclaimer: The guys aren't mine, it never happened.
Author Notes: Written for crowgirl13 for the Fic Tropes Meme, prompt 'genderswap'. ♥ to framianne for her help and to snarkyrainbow for her beta job. Thank you so much.
Crack, mentions of pegging, boys turning into girls at random. Title stolen from Garbage.

"No, okay," says Frank, "you have tits."

rating: nc-17, media: fic, brian schechter, bob bryar, frank iero

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