To Comply Gravity - [1/1]

Nov 16, 2009 10:05

Title: To Comply Gravity
Author: zephyrina
Pairing: Bob Bryar/Ray Toro
Rating: PG-13
POV/Wordcount: Third - 1,018 words
Summary: While Bob is busy weatherizing the house, Ray tries to lure him into snuggling under the comforter.
Disclaimer: The guys aren't mine, it never happened.
Author Notes: Written for anon_lovefest. ♥ to framianne for her help and quick beta job. Just a small, domestic bit.

You’ve been browsing through too many How To Do Shit websites, haven’t you? You’re talking just like one of them.

rating: pg-13, media: fic, ray toro, bob bryar

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