Suspended Animation - [1/1]

May 11, 2009 00:03

Title: Suspended Animation
Author: zephyrina
Pairing: Bob Bryar/Frank Iero
Rating: R
POV/Wordcount: Third - 1,967 words
Summary: They get up late. They always do. Bob’s watch has gone off weeks ago, both hands still and pointing eternally to eleven twenty-three, while Frank lost his own sometime in the first days, when they were barricaded in the basement of Frank’s place.
Disclaimer: The guys aren't mine, it never happened.
Author Notes: Inspired by this post at we_are_cities + #15 Forget at slashfic25
For veecious. Happy birthday, dear. ♥ to anne_elliot for all her help and cheers, ♥ to ky_betty who did the beta duties. Thank you so much.
Post-apocalypse fic.

Once or twice Bob has wondered about taking batteries off the watches of the dead but - nah. It’d be pointless. Given the actual state of things, they don’t really care or need to worry about time any longer.

rating: r, media: fic, bob bryar, frank iero

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