fenm Title: The Three Rituals
Fandom: Welcome to Night Vale
Characters: Cecil/Carlos, a few random citizens and one minor OC.
Genre: Slash
Sub-genre: Established relationship, proposal/engagement fic
kink_bingo: Whipping/Flogging
love_bingo: Proposal
Rating: Hard PG-13/R for violence and mild gore (mostly references to blood)
Word Count: 2657
Warnings: References to whipping, unsafe activities involving blood.
Summary: Carlos proposes to Cecil. Given that this is Night Vale, there's a catch...
avatarmn and
jelazakazone Notes: Written for
Also written for
As of Episode 28, there is no description for Cecil, so I've decided to write his as Black.
Disclaimer: Welcome to Night Vale is a production of Commonplace Books.
The Three Rituals