Fic challenge #4: Crossover!

Oct 15, 2007 16:17

The Challenge:

So - we've all been there, right? We've all wondered whether Mulder would have spent more late nights down at the lab if he'd had a pretty Indian geneticist doing the bloodwork for him, or what kind of nocturnal monologues Al Swearengen would formulate if Peter Petrelli worked in The Gem. Maybe you think UST means nothing without Pa Nakamura/Bester (and if you do, you're made of sterner stuff than I am - thanks to fantasticpants for my frankly terrifying icon). Maybe you think it would be interesting to see Tony Soprano square up to Niki Sanders, or perhaps you drift off to sleep at night wondering what would happen if Ted Sprague suddenly found himself trying not to go nuclear on Betty Banner.

... okay, maybe that last one's just me.

Anyway ... you get the gist, and that is: write a crossover fic!


1. Your fic (and 'ship) must contain at least one character from each 'verse - no packing Nathan and Heidi off to Smallville with none of the original characters in sight (don't let me stop you writing that fic - you just can't use it for this challenge unless you ship one of them with someone from Smallville).

2. Minimum word-count is 500, and it's all due by 15th December 2007.

3. There needs to be at least a hint of 'ship.

4. The usual exclusions don't really apply here, since as far as your pairing is concerned, "canon" is just a thing Jack Aubrey needs to fire sometimes to get Noah Bennet's attention.

5. When posting your fic here, please head the post Crossover: [your fic title] and remember to tag it with fic challenge #4: crossover.

6. Now cross those 'verses, dammit!


i r mod hear me roar, fic challenge #4: crossover

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