Fanfic Challenge the First: Brave New Ship

Jul 06, 2007 17:12

Your mission, should you choose to accept it-
We have two orders of business in this post:

One: To issue the Official First Challenge
Two: To take a vote on whether we want to hold and actual contest

The Mission: Write a fic for a pairing you have never written before

The Rules:
1. This CANNOT be one of the designated 'popular ships' -see the list here-
2. Minimum of 500 words, completed by July 31st 2007
3. Any rating is acceptable
4. At least a hint of 'ship' must be apparent.
5. You must actually answer the challenge (a pairing you've never written really does mean just that: WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!)

Answering the Challenge:
All fics in response to this challenge must be designated as such in the subject line (using the name of the challenge: "Brave New Ship") and tagged *first fic challenge*.

The Vote:
The moderators of this community have been tossing around the idea of holding an actual fic contest in addition to the challenges. This would mean that once a challenge is closed, we will have a post with links to each of the stories entered so that members can be sure to read and vote.
This can be a straightforward vote of rankings.  Everyone will receive a banner for completing the challenge, placers will get fic-personalized banners, and winners will get a tag of their very own (the "community-voted best fic" tag), and a place in the community memories.
After five challenges, a list of the winners of each would be posted to vote for the Favorite Fic of the community. This lucky individual will get all the awe and devotion of the comm, another specially personalized banner, and possibly extra pimpage :D.

So how does that sound to you folks? are you up for a challenge? A contest? Both?

Let us know in the comments section!

fic challenge #1: brave new ship, i r mod hear me roar, fic challenge

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