Title: Primatech Boys and the Morally Grey Advantages of Handcuffs
Pairing: Claude/Bennet
Rating: R
Spoilers: For 1.17
One - he was completely naked.
Two - he was also handcuffed to the bed.
Some days, waking up was just a profoundly bad idea.
Notes: Lots of thanks and morally grey vibes of love to
indyhat for the wonderful (and British) beta and to
veetvoojagig for the read-through and ego-stick-smacking. Also, this may or may not be a ripoff homage to a certain scene from a certain David-Bowie-related show. And if you're desperate for really bad art, feel free to click
Noah Bennet woke up one morning to discover that - no, he hadn't transformed into a giant cockroach. X-posted just about everywhere, I suspect.