First post!

Jul 20, 2007 15:52

I came across this community after clicking around heroes_fic, and I think it's great! I ship Eden/Sylar, so here's my little contribution :)

Title: Less Than Nothing
Author: sinemoras09
Pairing: Eden/Sylar
Rating: R for non-con and language
Warning: non-graphic sex and violence
Word count: 1,269
Spoilers: None really, but it takes place after "Fallout"

Summary: AU. Eden doesn't kill herself, she gets kidnapped instead.

A/N: This is actually Part 1 of 6, but this chapter can be read by itself; I'm dying for some feedback for the other chapters though, so if you liked this and you're bored, please read the rest! lol :) Thanks!


You looked at me like I was less than nothing, do you remember? I saw it in your eyes, Eden. The thought of me touching you like this made your skin crawl.

Her eyes flew open and she sat up. Headlights from across the street bounced through the half-opened blinds at the window. She had been crying and her face felt taut and her shoulders exhausted. She didn't know where she was or how long she had been there, but with the rain and the cold and the change in weather, she knew was not in Texas anymore.

"Hi, Eden," Sylar said, and she closed her eyes.

The first time he came to her, he had just hauled her out of the paper factory, her face bleeding all over his white shirt. He had cleaned her up and stripped her down, gagging her tight so she couldn't speak. That was when he fucked her. “Did you like that, Eden?” he had asked. “You won’t admit it, but I know you did. You should be excited, I can figure out how things work. How you work,” he added, dragging his hand across her skin. “It won’t be rape,” he said. “You’ll be begging me not to stop.”

She fought him at first, tried to use her voice to stop the onslaught. But even without the gag they both knew she couldn’t use her ability even if she wanted to--she had to be calm, had to throw all her force and all her power behind her command for it to work. But here, now, she was half-naked and shaking, her voice small and weak. She was scared, and that’s what almost got her killed before.

Tonight, though, would be different. If she couldn’t use her power, maybe she could still talk her way out of this. Maybe this time he would let her go.

“You were in love with me,” she said. It wasn’t a question. “Why?”

Sylar looked at her with dark eyes. “It was always you,” he said. “I remember the first time I saw you. You had some sort of casserole you baked Dr. Suresh. It was so…earnest. Loving, even, the way you kept him company. I would have given anything to have that.”

She moved closer to him. “Maybe you still can,” she said. She leaned close to him, close enough to touch. “I never thought you were ‘less than nothing,’” she said, softly. She let her hand gently brush against his side. “Lonely, maybe. And maybe a little too quiet, but not less than nothing.”

He looked away, but not before she saw the wetness around his eyes, and she knew she had him.

“Poor Gabriel Gray,” she said. “All he wanted was to mean something to someone. I just wish it could have been me.”

He stared at her, stunned. Do it, she thought to herself. Do it and he might let you go.

Quietly, she pulled him against her and kissed his mouth, her hand softly touching his stomach. She kissed his eyes and kissed his face, and moved to his ear and whispered softly, “Now you’re going to let me go.”

And then she was flying across the room, slamming against the dresser. The mirror crashed behind her.

“That was a mean trick, Eden,” Sylar said.

She grabbed a shard of mirror and lunged at him, but he caught the glass in his hand. She could feel the glass cutting into his palm, but he wouldn’t let go. She cried and tried to move her arms, but he pinned her against the wall.

“You’re quite the actress, I should have known,” he said. Blood dripped down his hand and arm. “For a moment I almost believed you.”

He threw the glass on the floor and hauled her up by the elbows, slamming her facedown against the mattress and gripping her shoulder with his bleeding hand. “I thought you wanted me,” he said. “All this power, and no one’s ever made me feel that way. But you lied to me, Eden.” He shoved her face against the mattress. “You lied and I’ve killed people for a lot less.”

“Let me go,” she said

“Oh Eden, you know that little trick of yours won’t work, now.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry. Please, you’re hurting me.”

He yanked her head up with her hair. “You think that hurts? ” he asked. “I can show you what pain really feels like. I can make you scream. Make you beg. I can make it so that you wished I killed you in the first place. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want me to be the bad guy.”

She felt his breath shallow and hot against her back. His hand was still bleeding.

“Tell me you love me,” he said.

“Fuck you,” she said.

He grabbed her arm and brutally twisted it behind her back. “Tell me you love me,” he said, “or else I’ll break your arm.”

She swallowed and fought against the rising panic in her chest. “I love you,” she said. The words came out in dry heaves.

“That wasn’t very convincing,” he said. “Say it again.”

“I love you,” she said, and she started to cry.

He wrenched her arm backward, making her cry out. “You can do so much better than that,” he said. “That’s what you do, right? You make people believe. So say it again, and say it right, or else I take that piece of glass of yours and make it so you can’t say anything, anymore.”

She could feel his breath hot against her ear. She closed her eyes. She thought about Mohinder, about Mr. Bennet, about Isaac. She thought about crawling up beside any one of them and saying those words.

“I love you,” she said. She felt him relax his grip on her arm.

“Say it again,” he said, softly.

He felt warm and safe and good, she let herself sink against him. “I love you,” she said.

She felt him smile against her shoulder. “Again,” he said.

She turned her head slightly so she could meet his gaze. “I love you,” she said. He groaned and buried his head against her shoulder.

“Say my name,” he said. He slid his hand underneath her shirt and cupped her breast. “Say it.”

“Gabriel,” she said. “Gabe.” He kissed her neck and slipped inside her.

“I love you, Gabriel,” she said. “I love you.” And then she felt him lose control, felt him come too quickly, before he was ready. There was a horrifying moment of stillness, neither one of them seemingly knowing what to do. His humiliation was palpable. Semen ran down her leg and her head was still pressed facedown against the mattress, but she didn’t dare move.

He let go of her arm. He got up. She heard him zip up his pants, heard the door close. She reached between her legs and wiped the semen off with her hand. There was blood on her shoulder, too, but it wasn’t hers. His hand never stopped bleeding.

She looked at her hand dully, rubbing the semen and the blood between her fingers, looked at her shoulder with its bloody handprint and the bruises of his hand against her arm. Outside she could see the moonlight filtering through the half-opened blinds, and could hear the cars driving by on the freeway. It wasn’t until then that she started to cry.

Part 2 of 6

(Other Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

A/N #2: A couple people have pointed out that there's no reason why Eden's voice shouldn't work, but I think of her voice like Hiro's ability--if she's not in complete control, she can't use it very well. So yeah. LOL :)

X-posted at eden_sylar.

fic, eden/sylar

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