Story -- PG-13 -- Parents, they just don't understand

Dec 18, 2007 14:34

Title: Parents, they just don't understand.
Author: Fabrisse
Pairing: Peter/Elle
Rating: PG-13 for discussions of death and sex
Category: Crackfic, mention of Peter/Nathan
Spoilers: Through Powerless
Summary: Peter takes on The Company and runs into Elle.
Notes: I don't know where this came from. I've never written crackfic before. Sorry, gang. Unbetaed again.

There was only one guard outside the upstate New York premises of The Company, and she looked pissed.

Peter thought quickly and decided it was better to face Elle head on.

"Hi, Elle."

She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. "So, are you here to apologize?"

Peter spread his hands out appeasingly as he walked toward her. "I'm not sorry for escaping. I am sorry for helping Adam, though that ended up all right thanks to my brother and a cast of thousands. And I'm extremely sorry that I used you in the escape."

He lowered his voice to a husky whisper. "But I'm not sorry I kissed you." Peter pulled her into a lingering kiss.

They sparked apart. "Why do I doubt that your main motive for coming here was to apologize to me?"

He looked her directly in the eye. "I'm here to kill your father. The chance to apologize is just an unexpected bonus."

"You could have turned invisible and just come in that way."

"I figured there were probably security measures against it. Pressure pads strategically placed or something."

"No. Nothing like that. Security here sucks. Why do you want to kill Dad?" Elle let him into the building and walked with him toward her father's office.

"He helped with Nathan's shooting. He also participated in the whole, 'let's have Peter Petrelli destroy New York so we can get the government we want' plot. I'm still a little pissed about it."

"He had me systematically tortured when I was a kid. I might not have been a sociopath if it weren't for that and a certain amount of Haitian mindwiping, lather, rinse, repeat..."

Peter nodded and patted her on the back. "Yeah, my mom agreed to my explosion. She also tried to have Parkman shoot me, and ordered the hit on Nathan."


"Killing her is on my to do list after your Dad."

"Not before?"

"I wanted her to build up some fear, first."

"Makes sense."

Elle stopped and pulled Peter into an empty room. "See, no locks. I'm not trying to capture you."



Peter looked at her. "Not following you, but it's a topic I'm interested in."

"I liked it when you kissed me."

"It was good. I'd have preferred a little less shocking, but I have to admit a little electricity could be fun."

"I've never had any. And the whole electrical thing, could be a problem."


"But you're indestructible. I thought we could practice until I can control it."


"Is that a good noise?"

"It means I hadn't thought about it."

"Well, kill my dad first. And your Mom, of course. Then decide."

"Are you expecting a relationship out of this? Or just a few hook-ups?"

"I think the term is 'fuck friends?'"

"Fuck buddies. I'd have to ask Nathan if it's all right with him, but, if he says yes, I'm in favor of it. We'd have to take it slow -- lots of making out to help figure out some grounding stuff. But I'd say we could get you laid within a month."

Elle bounced on her toes. "Maybe Nathan could help. I can't always sleep with the indestructible guys. There aren't that many around."

"Yeah, but you could be bi. Claire would be a possibility then. And Nathan tends to like blondes, so he might agree to be a test subject for you."

"Cool. Call him. Then we can go kill my Dad."

Peter pulled out his cell phone. "They're not going to be able to find me if I use this?"

"Nah. And I disabled the security cameras when we came in."

Peter nodded and made his call.

"Nathan's fine with it. We can start right after the funerals. Not that Nathan knows about the funerals." Peter held up an admonishing finger. "I think anyone who tries to kill him should die, but he's less forgiving."

She snatched at his finger. "You mean more forgiving."

"No, less. He'd keep them in cells on bread and water answering questions for the rest of their natural lives. I think they should be put down. More humane."

Elle brightened. "Nathan's in to torture?"

"No. But he wants answers, and he'd angst. My brother runs on guilt. I figure a bureaucracy exists for paperwork. The paperwork will have the answers."

"How are you going to do it?"

He showed her the antique stilletto. "Base of the skull straight through the medula into the brain. No pain. If I swish it a little, the brain should be useless to Sylar -- just in case he decides to visit the funeral home."

"Which leaves you with Dad's ability."

"What is it, by the way?"

"He transforms metals. Any stable metal to any other stable metal. He can't do it with gases or non-metallic elements. And his attempts at uranium and plutonium were busts. Still copper, silver, gold, and platinum -- even iron -- are commodities that can keep The Company running."

"I have Ted's ability. I might be able to do the unstable elements. Cool." He reached out and turned the doorknob into copper. "Did you guys ever experiment with electroplating?"

They started to walk toward Bob's office.

"No, but I like the way you think."
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