Feel like yesterday was contrived specifically to divert me from obsessing about Tim. It was a good day, fairly effective. Managed to get a few hours of sleep. But I was awake at 9pm. Lying there replaying events and turning things over in my brain. Was not going to get dragged down, so I got going.
Cleaned up a few things around the apartment. Went up to the Quarry for a haircut and some grocery shopping. Called Pancho to do some shopping with me. Took stuff home then went over to grab him. He insisted the Mall of America isn't as bad as I said, so we headed South.
Spend spend spend. About $200 at Old Navy, $100 at the Gap, and $50 at H&M. Considering it's time to Spring the wardrobe, it really wasn't that bad. The waistline has two more inches to go, so I didn't want to go too crazy. But it's really nice being able to buy cute things that make me look cute.
My the phoenix on my Fossil has been dead for a while, so I decided to drop by the story to find a replacement. The girls there were really nice. One offered to try putting in the second battery to see if birdie would come back, then reseal it with sillicon to help with most of the water proofing. It worked! I was happy because the didn't have any really flash, geeky watches. I did see a leather-banded for under $60 that was hot, so I ended up buying it. I flirted with the manager some1 and she didn't charge me for the service/battery on my phoenix. *giggle*
Was good catching up with Pancho outside the club. He's heading to Chicago next weekend for Bear Pride and some ILM festival (I think it's leather-related). He hasn't been seeing anyone too serious. Went over the basics of Paulino, Jerry, and Tim. He was a little jealous that I've been getting some but he's had his phases.
Was really exhausted when I got home but didn't really have time to rest. Got in the shower and put some stuff away. Called Paulino to discuss plans. He was okay with me grabbing an hour nap which was awesome. Met him down at the Dunn Brothers at 7:30 then we went over to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. He'd never been and was impressed with the ambiance. Bitch killed the bread though, so I talked a little about Colby and his man-handling bread habits.
Getting to the dance hall was quite a drive. Some town called Fridely at a banquet hall. Part of me died inside when I walked in to find fags and dykes two-stepping in counter-clockwise direction around a hard-wood floored space in the center of a large room. I let it die because I needed to relax. Doing new things is good. And everyone there was having an infectious good time.
Unfortunately songs that I felt comfortable trying to learn to came up few and far between. So the majority of the time I was watching. Which was actually okay. There were a few guys that were execptional, one adorable lesbian couple, and two guys that were actually sort of hot. And Paulino really worked it like a Latin man.
The novelty ran out around 10:30pm. I could tell Paulino would want to spend anothe two hours there and I realized I was so rusty on the dating thing. I should have planned my exit, set my time, and at least looking into this on my own. *sigh* So I tore him away. As we were leaving, one of the hot guys chased us. He had something to say to Paulino while he eye'd me. *beams* His name was Jacob, he noticed I was sitting down a little too much, and he looked forward to seeing me in two week. *giggle*
The ride home was pretty nice. Found out more things and I think I shared more of myself.2 We got caught in some of the evil Hennepin weekend night traffic but I was kissing him good-night around 11:30pm. Not bad, but I'd expected better. Silly Latin stories.
He'd offered to go to the Saloon with me, share some of my dance world since I'd experience his. Really sweet. But I lied and said it was too late to go out. It was late and normally I wouldn't have left then, but sitting on the sidelines made me eager to get my groove on. And I didn't want to be tied to anyone.
So I had the night I should have had Friday night.3 There were a few people there to say, “Hello!” to. All of them asked if I'd lost weight which was nice. But I spent serious time on the floor. Love their resident; the house he spins really makes me work. Spent the last half-hour smoking and thinking. Will have to vent that later.
Caught a cab home. Pretty wired so did an hour of gaming til I could pass out. Would have liked to slept more but it's light out and I have a list of things to get to. Keep the diversions coming. Kept myself from calling him yesterday. Part of me thinks it would be wise to let him make the first move if he's still interested and able. But I really respect what he did, and I want to let him know I think very highly of him. That I'm still very interested. *sigh*
Have to get a pork roast going. Donated $10 for a car wash that my car actually needs. Might see Nikki and Tony. Have a new swim suit to use at the gym. Come what may, and all that.
- She really did have beautiful eyes, so I couldn't help myself.
- I'm still bad about volunteering information about myself.
- I still feel annoyed with myself for putting Jerry in his place but then becoming Tim's eager puppy.