Weirdest Trip to The Airport EVER

Oct 04, 2005 20:26

Okay, well that was the weirdest supper, car ride and trip to the airport I've had in my life. Okay so we get to Auntie Kay's for supper with the pizza we walk in and we're all hugging and i keep turning away so I don't breathe on anybody lol and they are like ? and im lke IM SICK!!! and then Anna is practically jumipng up and down and Gramma's like Anna has something to tell youuuu and im like okay tell me tell me and Anna goes I got a boyfriend and im ilke YEA! and she goes YEA! and she's like and he's everything on my list (when Nicole was here this summer Anna otld us what she wanted in a guy and same with Auntie Kay but her list was just a TAD bit longer than Anna's three things)Then later I found out that his name is Herman, he moved to Canada three or four years ago from Africa. They met because he was snake sitting and she brought him rats, then the friend Herman was rat sitting had a dance and they invited them both coughMATCHMAKINGcough. And the best thing she said was that he loved Henry. So it's all good and she likes him and she seems happy so Im happy! Then everybody was asking me why I had so many bracelets on my arm (LiveStrong, C95 Breast Cancer, Trick or Treat and Smell My Feet), then Anna is like runnn she's going to tie you up and im like who is going to tie me up and she's like Auntie Kay. And im like okay then. Then on the way to the airport I had to sit in the back with all the luggage which was three big suitcases and like five little suitcases with the rolly things. And we went around a tight curve and Anna's little suitcase flew and she's like geez Rachelle you suck at doing your job and im like what job..and she's like the one where you make sure my suitcases are okay and im ilke okay so everytime we went around a corner and the suitcaes moved and banged into the window she would yell at me and she's like RACHELLE YOU"RE FIRED YOU SUCK AT YOUR JOB!! and im like EWLL YOU"RE FIRED TOO!! and she's like what's my job and im like uhhh making me happy XD and then she's like so did you figure out who was goin to play in our movie and im like yeah uhhh hang on gah i had it in my head and i wrote it all down and I was so proud. And im like oh yea you're being played by Nicole Kidman and Anna goes I hate her and im like err then you're being played by the girl who used to play Laura Ingalls on Little House of the Prairie and she's like okay its all good and you and im like Im being played by the girl who plays Hermione on Harry potter..come again? The girl in Harry potter..okay whatever. THen Im like why do I always have to sit in the back and she's like Because the Family Doesn't like you nannabooboo and they like me..and im like oh you're so hurtful Good Times Good Times

Then when we got to the airport I was attached to two carry on suitcases, a camera bag and a pillow. And they are like here you go servant Rachelle. Then me and Anna were sitting in the chairs and she's like I need my lipbalm Oh DAMN! Where's my lipblam do you have any lipbalm wait you're sick who cares gahhhh and im like I have some...And then she's like ahhhh and then she found it haha her little freakdown it was hilarious then she found it and shes like mmm tingly. THen she was trying to find her passport and she had feminine products at the top of her suitcase and she's like hmm thats a good thing to have right at the top with no socks over top and im like oh yea and we both start laughing then she like throws stuff over them. Haaha it was hilaroius then she's like gah im goin to die its my first time on a play and im stuck with these two. And im like well I would graciously miss two weeks of school to come on this trip and she's like oh right and you would miss school for one reason to come on this trip and im like you bet. hahah it was sooo much fun! And were going to email well she's going to email me from Auntie Kat's email when they get there. So yeah....

Student Leadership Confrence tomorrow afterschool 3:45-10...I dont know if Im staying til 10 if the dance is a blow I dont know why in the world they are having a dance but whatever. Should be interesting..going to Joe's right after school since I only got 20min. And I dont have to go in gym cuz im sick and very congested and can't breathe that well when running w00t! Cough I hate Lacrosse cough
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