Lizzy McGuire

May 06, 2003 13:37

I saw the Lizzie McGuire movie this weekend. It was very cute! The funniest part was probably at the end when my friend Ryan jumped up out of his seat and started clapping, and then all the little kids in the theater kind of followed along and joined in. It was hilarious!

I'm not in a very good mood right now though. Some guys are just idiots, you know that? And they shouldn't be allowed in the same room with me, because even just their presence is irritating. That probably sounds pretty selfish of me but oh well. I'm not like that with hardly anyone. In fact I'm pretty sure that there are only three people on Earth who bug me like that. Wait, four. Yes. That's it. Everyone else I can stand just fine. And we still have almost an hour in here! I hate WASL schedual so much!!!

Ugh, I have to write my essay tonight for College Prep. A whole paper on the definition of the word "Friendship." At least I have a couple of great friends I can base my ideas off of! My tummy hurts! And I'm tired. And my thoughts are rambling, and really rather random. And probably some other R words too. Not R as in the rating, I mean that they would start with that letter because that one whole sentence used alot of words that do. Right. I obviously have NOTHING to do right now.

What I really need right now is a back massage from Zach Haddler. He's the best at those!

The side of my hand hurts! On Saturday we had Confermation rehersal at church (thank goodness, someone just sat in the seat between me and the guy that's bugging me) and Marcus and I were arguing while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up. So I was just sitting there, and he tackled me and my hand hit the side of the pew and it hurt really bad! I think I bruised the bone or something because it still feels pretty bad.

Oh! I probably have a job for this summer! I'm going to babysit two girls that live down the street just a little ways. Every Monday through Thursday from 10 until 4 at five dollars an hour. So if I save up I'll have lots of money! That will be so cool. The girls seem really nice too... they're the same age as my brothers only much more well behaved.

Also, I get to be the first little pig in our play in French class. I get to sing too! Gustavo is the other singing pig. He was so cute today, with his paper pig nose and tail, singing. It was just adorable. No Lina, I don't like him... but that doesn't mean he can't be cute sometimes!

Well, I successfully wasted like 15 minutes writing this, because I had to sit here and figure out what I was talking about, so I think I'm done. Maybe I'll go read Anday's journal today!
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