Feb 18, 2003 14:32
I'm finally over my sickness! I'm so happy! Okay, yeah, so I still have the slight sniffles, but they're going away. Really. So hopefully I can be better and not get sick right away again.
I got to see Heather yesterday! Her and 'Zellen and I went to the Country Deli out by Office Max, and we sat and talked for over two hours! Chris, a guy who just got back into town from college, came and visited us also. It was great. Then we went to the health food store on the other side of the Deli. They have organic everything! It's crazy! After that we went to Luigis for about a half an hour, then Heather had to go home and get ready to head back up to St. Martins. It was lots of fun though.
Andy dear, I'm sorry you're snowed in! (Matt and Albert too!) I wish I could have some of your snow though!