Hi everyone. *waves*
Yes, I'm still alive, although most of you have probably forgotten who this person on lj is anymore, lol. It hardly feels like half a year, and I don't even know where the time has flown.
Well, I'm back on LJ temporarily, although I don't know how long I'll be staying. Going back to university has really been a trying journey and it's been pushing my limits in every way. Still, it's a necessary step and I'm prepared to gulp down another few years of no sleep if thats what gets me somewhere in this society.
Thanks to everyone who sent me emails the last couple of months, just to check up on me. Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank-you. You guys are really great and I was very touched by your concern. Apologies to my late reply. I've been more or less living under a rock in some masochistic self-made prison for the last half a year, lol, so I've completely lost contact with anything remotely electronic. What's a tv again? lol.
I especially owe an apology to
kendas, who asked me to beta and I didn't get the email and reply untl 2 months after. *hangs head in shame* Sorry about that hun...
Also, thanks to
mandya06, for sticking with me and for all her emails and nudges etc. the last couple of months. I've missed you like crazy! And I really want to hear all about Europe and this new boy of yours, gorgeous!
On another note,
It seems like the LJ banning has gotten even stricter in recent months. Ive noticed alot of ppl f-locking their journals and even more communities shutting down, especially the more adult lj journals. It's really too bad. One of the great things I loved on here was the freedom of expression, the acceptance, and interactiveness of everyone here. There's alot of freaky shit in the HP fandom and pairings that might be generally distasteful but it's one of the great things I love about this fandom, that everyone is so accepting and you can write anything here and most ppl will accept it. So yeah, even though I can see why the LJ staff did what they did, it's still sad to see some of that creatively placed under a scrutinizing eye and a strongly secured lock.
I'm not sure yet if I will be f-locking. Probably not, since I'm not a prolific writer, especially not in the smut genre, but I can't guarantee there will be no smut, since I've promised Mandy I will write her a smutty Tom/Minerva. It will be going under f-lock. I will usually friend anyone, but given the new rules on LJ, I would prefer it if you were over the age of 16, before I friend back. If you are not, contact me, and we'll work it out somehow.
That being said, I've been getting alot of reviews, emails, comments on this lj about Tempora Mutantur and updates etc. And about the whole flaming incident that happened beforehand. There's alot to be said about it all, so I'll put it under LJ cut.
Well, first off, thanks to everyone who sent me sooo much support over the whole flamer thing. I'm glad that it's done and over with and we can all move on.
Alright, as for TM, I've been getting alot of questions about chapter 13 and honestly, I don't know when it will be out. I'm currently swamped in work from all sides and as much as I love writing, I don't quite have the steam to force the same kind of momentum I had before. The way ch 12 ended has also created a huge hurdle in terms of writing ch 13.
I still don't plan on abandoning it, but right now, this chapter is just very hard to write and with Deathly Hallows out, there's a lot of plot work that I've had to re-work b/c alot of the old plot I had in mind before actually ended up being written in DH. Figures. lol.
Alright, now that I've said my piece, let's get to the point. I'm scared that by myself, this fic, which is just reaching climax, will never get done, and I've promised alot of ppl that I will not abadon it, and I don't plan on going back on my word. As a reader, I've always hated reading unfinished fics. As a writer, I realize how tedious it is to finish a fic, especially if you've lost momentum or inspiration.
So, I'm asking if there's anyone out there who would be interested in a collaboration. I have an idea of what direction I want to take the story but if someone would be there to do some of the writing and the brainstorming along w/ betaing and just pushing things along, it would be a great help.
I know some of you follow this fic on my flist, and I would rather it be someone who has read my work and is familiar w/ and likes TM. There's alot I want to revise about TM, but right now I'm only interested in getting it done. I'm asking anyone who's interested, whether or not you're on my flist or know me personally. I'm asking for on LJ, but if no one's interested then I will probably post the offer on fanfiction.net.
If you ARE interested, then just post a reply. I'm asking for someone who has relatively alot of time on their hands though, since I have almost next to none. There may be alot of things you will have to do on your own and I probably will not have time to do most of the writing...it's alot to ask, so please consider carefully before you volunteer.
Anyway, there is a new layout, as you may have noticed. I chose the theme of butterflies b/c they symbolize a rebirth of sorts. I thought it was fitting, since spring is almost here and I've come back from the dead after six-seven long months, lol. Cheers.