bop excitations: God, I've been working on this design for work for like 3 hours and I didn't realize.
bop excitations: It's just a freaking barn, too.
boyzforbreakfast: hahahha
boyzforbreakfast: a freaking barn
bop excitations: Seriously. It's for a diary farm.
boyzforbreakfast: diary farm
boyzforbreakfast: we milk all your secrets
bop excitations: Ahahaha.
boyzforbreakfast: hahahah
bop excitations: That's amazing.
bop excitations: LJE worthy.
I'm taking my car into the shop tomorrow morning. Again.
Let's hope that fucking Check Engine light finally goes off and I can get on with my echeck-approved-registered-tag-ridden life.
I don't have to work til 10:30, which is amazing. Especially since I took a 4 hour nap today and I'm already tired again.
So much sleep.
This job is really working my triceps. I'll be ready for that tattoo sleeve in no time.
Tomorrow night will be more fun at Jacob's. I spend way too much time there.
I really can't turn down all the free booze though.
Oh, and speaking of! This really sweet band called The Arm (from Austin) is playing at Jacob's on the 13th.
That's Tuesday, for those of you without calendars.
Go listen to their music at myspizzle.
The Arm.