10 Things You Don't Know About Stephen

Dec 20, 2008 00:11

1. Stephen’s parents encouraged him to read instead of playing outside with friends. As a result, he was a skinny, pale kid with big hands and feet until he attended Hogwarts, then he took his reading outdoors. He eventually grew into his hands and feet, got a bit of sun, but was still a smidge on the thin side.

2. Stephen’s mother instilled the characteristics of loyalty and honor into him from a very young age. This is why her adultery shakes him so deeply.

3. At nine, Stephen mentioned wanting a paint set. He was interested in art; he wanted to paint a landscape scene. His father forbade it. He didn’t believe that art was anything a child needed to waste time doing. Stephen never got the paint set.

4. Stephen has never had a date. He’s interested in women, but the thought of asking a girl on a date makes him nauseated. He tried to talk to a girl once at school (they were in the library), and he threw up instead. She never looked at him again, and whenever she saw him in the hallway, she would burst into a fit of giggles.

5. Stephen never trusted a Slytherin and even now that the War is over and people say, “People have changed,” he still doesn’t believe a Slytherin can change.

6. Stephen likes to sing in the shower, but he has a terrible voice.

7. Stephen is the youngest of four children. He was the baby, but never allowed to “be the baby.” His parents were so strict that all of his siblings left home as soon as they were old enough. However, when the War broke out, his father managed to get the entire family to move to Italy. It was the first time Stephen had been in a house with his siblings in years. It bothered him that the house felt as though it was full of strangers.

8. Stephen likes the ocean. He’s wicked good at Charms, and he often visits the sea, casts charms, and dives into the underwater world-swimming for as long as possible beneath the waves.

9. Stephen never drank alcohol until his oldest brother Liam got him to help him finish a bottle of Firewhiskey after they learned their mother had been having an affair…for years. Now Stephen likes to drink bourbon before he goes to bed at night.

10. Stephen wants to know who he is without the influence of his parents. But he’s still so angry and frustrated that he’s afraid of who he might be inside-who the man sleeping beneath the surface might be. Can he still find honor in a world that seems so full of lies? He doesn’t know if it’s worth venturing out and experiencing life or if he should continue to be alone.

10 facts

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