Thursday, 1 June. Received an
Owl from Kingsley regarding Lucius' trial date, shared this information with
Draco, and learned of his own hearing.
Monday, 5 June.
Draco's hearing. (resolved) He is no longer under house arrest, but is on probation.
Thursday, 8 June. Attempted to buy a new wand from
Ollivander. (resolved) He declined her offer to come harvest materials from the Manor's woods and grounds, but suggested she do so and bring branches to him, and he'd see what he can do.
Friday, 9 June. Narcissa received word that Lucius was in St. Mungo's, and she and Draco
went to see him. ** There, they discovered that he has diabetes and now requires glasses and insulin.
Monday, 12 June.
Sent an Owl to McGonagall regarding helping at Hogwarts.
Wednesday, 14 June.
Sent an Owl to Rita regarding testifying at Lucius' trial and also requesting information about diabetes.
Thursday, 15 June.
Visited Lucius. ** Schmoopiness.
Friday, 16 June. Watched the
impromptu Quidditch game at Hogwarts. **
Saturday, 24 June.
Rita came to tea. **
Sunday, 25 June. Took branches from the Manor woods to
Ollivander. ** He loans her Bellatrix's wand in the meantime.
Monday, 26 June. Discovered that
Draco is moving out and wasn't as hysterical as one might think. Good girl.
Thursday, 29 June.
Owled Andromeda about finally meeting.
Friday, 30 June. Cissa and Andromeda
met for lunch at The Three Broomsticks. **
** - scene in progress