The road to Engama, checking Relays

Nov 11, 2022 20:31

Another carriage joined them as they rounded the westernmost outcropping of the Anlizer Mountains. A third carriage appeared as they turned East. At the final changing point they were joined by three more carriages. At this point the road started to incline. It weaved and wound alongside a river that tucked into a canyon. The mountains rose sharply on either side and the road rose and twisted alongside the river.

She didn't want to burden anyone else with the weight of its contents.

Their usual driver, the man in the middle whom she believed was Kenbin Mount'hyuns, and the third was Kith Serrith.

As those living on the outskirts of Jon passed to and from the town.

"What are you, Hillenbohn's guard dog?"

Kem bristled.

Kem doesn't like bullies. I don't know if she was bullied in Savin or she just doesn't like seeing people picked on.

"Do you think it would be safe enough?" Sray asked. "Or do you think Mishor would think it safe enough?"

"You can ask him. I don't see why not."

"Well, you don't have to wear it for long." Kem offered.

"Thankfully." Sray replied as she gave the clothes a final distasteful pick.

The mules picked their way carefully through the canyon. There were sections of the road carved right out of the rock of the mountains and Sray marveled at the effort it would have taken. Occasionally a small rivulet would appear on the mountain side and its water was redirected through culverts that ran under the road, falling down the far side to join the river. It wasn't freezing long enough to stop the flowing waters yet.

Thelus may have six or eight apprentices (including Sray). I was initially thinking four, but eastern Ela'yas is more rural which would make the study of animal husbandry and agriculture more important.

The closer she looked the more she realized just how powerful the Brotherhood must be and the astounding resources it was capable of calling upon.

"What did they do with all of the rock?"

"Much of it ended up in Engama."

"Why the mules, Thelus?"

"They're smarter about their feet than horses. With the risk of ice the mules will notice the change and proceed with greater caution ortell us it is unsafe. Most horses will simply go where you tell them, a mule will only go where it's safe."

Thelus is definitely a mule guy and Sray definitely becomes a mule girl.

"Name and Name said as much. Deceived by the lies of paranoid madmen desperate to prove themselves right and what did it get them? Three of them dead and the last on the run. Name and Name will go on trial for their part in it.

"If I don't come back they will assume I have shunned the Brotherhood I lose what little protection we had."

Mishor didn't immediatley respond as he considered his words carefully. "I am not so sure about that. Your circumstances are unique."

"Just learn and train. At the very least sleep on it tonight."

Desta had Sray ice her arm again. Desta and Mishor talked in low tones that Sray barely caught snatches of. Mishor stayed in the infirmary and Desta walked with Sray back to the dorm where Kirren and Elima were already asleep. Jina and Jorgin Pfyllat were outside the door as an extra precaution.

Sray stared at the bed. This was not where she had expected to spend the night. This was not how she and wanted to end the day. She turned and sat on the edge of the bed facing the outer wall with the windows. The silence in the room felt oppressive. She stared out the window and hugged her arms together. All the emotions that had threatened to overwhelm her the whole day welled up. She covered her mouth with her hand and her breath shook as she inhaled. She pressed her eyes shut, squeezing out tears. Another sharp intake of breath and she started to sob quietly in the dark. So close to the end and this happened. She didn't feel strong enough to carry it all. She sobbed out her despair and fear and slowly it shifted to anger. Rage against the unfairness of it all. What did she ever do to them?

lemyes: desta dejowrin, lemyes: danrick mishor, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: thelus shtorpfyl

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