Apparently I'm supposed to write more about Yurrein

Nov 19, 2021 18:06

The man wasn't close enough to get a good smell of him. For ease of movement and the mental comfort of others Teigan was in his Human form, which meant a limited sense of smell to begin with. He discretely sniffed the air, but nothing useful was there. "Prove it." He said.

"But they are Sollits!" Yurrein exclaimed.

"A last name doesn't mean anything, the Sollit line did not boil down to Ruleth alone." Parwek retorted, his irritation palatable.

"He knew Kijoth, his twice great-grandfather was Kijoth Sollit. And how else would Sray and her siblings be possible? You know as well as I do that the Meim ability has to come from both sides. A straight Klamon and Human cross wouldn't do it, the experiments proved it. With 36 of our ancestors, none of them showed Meim ability, it wasn't until their children that it surfaced."

"And what if their name had no obvious link? Would you have gone down the whole list to satisfy your curiosity? Selfish, Yurrein, that's what you are. And what if Teigan Sollit didn't know Kijoth? You didn't think this through."

"The odds were in my favor, Parwek."

I do't know if Yurrein and his fellows would have thought about it. I imagine they spend most of their time in their Human forms so they don't pay attention to smells so much as Sray and a straight Klamon would.

I wouldn't consider Yurrein selfish per-se. Perhaps a little self-serving, but his community is small and with all Sray and her family went through extending that hand of fellowship seemed appropriate and the right thing to do despite the flack he's getting from Parwek and Torrick. I'm thinking Torrick might be either a sibling or first cousin, it's still simmering in my head as I feel out their relationship.

Yurrein is in his mid-30's, he has an older brother and a young niece he hasn't met yet. They try to keep all births on Lunais for multiple reasons, reduces questions and provides a better safety net both emotionally and physically should something go awry. It takes a couple years for young hybrids to get the hang of shape-shifting and especially hiding their markings in their Human form. This was something the Hillenbohn/Sollits had to deal with as Janef was only two when they left the Keystone. I don't know how long it took them to make it to Jon, she may have been three by the time they got there, but still really young and Janef is ... exuberant. Excitable in a bubbly joyous way and it may have taken time for her to understand how things needed to be.

The Lunaisan hybrid women generally do the six mandatory hears with the Meim and return to Lunais to help raise the next generation. There are a couple who return to studies once their children are old enough to venture to the mainland.

Trying to decide if Torrick is Yurrein's older brother or a cousin.

As it stands we have Yurrein Nelendor, Torrick (insert Envanan last name here), and Parwek as Lunaisan hybrids.

Not sure about Parwek's origins, if he is Byajintoran like Pfyllat and Shtorpfyl or Minei'kuhnan, maybe Storinan? It isn't Kamenan, Ela'yan, or Gollanan.

"Are you trying to court my niece?" Rothan asked.

Yurrein laughed. "As attractive a course as that idea may be, no. I fear she sees me as more of an obnoxious sibling." He lamented, but he didn't seem too sad about it. "Either she is determined to be an old maid or her heart is set elsewhere with no room to entertain another, but she hasn't said anything to me about it."

"My brother has already been with his betrothed," he said off-handedly. "I have a niece on Lunais."

"And you? Is there some woman waiting for you on Lunais or wherever else you Lunaisan are scattered to?"

"Hm." He grunted and shuffled his shoulders uncomfortably. "Well, the family chooses for us around the time we turn 15, so, yes, I have a betrothed, but I haven't been back to Lunais for several years now." He paused and seemed to be lost in a thought beforr suddenly shaking his head. "Too much work among thr Meim. I have an important role here, you know. There have to be enough of us in high ranks before we can safely reveal our existence."

She eyes him with some suspicion, he was holding something back. "You're not avoiding Lunais, are you?" She asked.

"What?" He asked in surprise. "No! Of course not!" He said emphatically, as if to convince himself. "I love Lunais."

Yes, Yurrein is avoiding going home to an extent. He has plenty of excuses why he can't, but as he has mentioned before he isn't terribly keen on being betrothed and having to "do his duty" as has been custom for the last five generations in order to continue the Lunaisan Hybrids.

lemyes: heat of the flame, lemyes, lemyes: depths of the forge, lemyes: hybrid klamon, lemyes: rothan sollit belrohth, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: yurrein nelendor

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