Character descriptions and Tenna

Nov 03, 2021 20:21

There must have been people here from all over Alast. In Jon everyone except her family were natives to Ela'yas, and half of them were Savins on top of that, which meant a somewhat fair complexion and darker curly to wavy hair. At Engema there were people of all shapes and sizes and colors. The students appeared mostly Ela'yan, but the staff was full of variety; dark skin, pale, a bit of everything inbetween, tall, short, broad, and narrow, their hair wasn't just dark and curly, but straight, light, even bright red.

Johnus gave a short nod as he was introduced, his face It was hard to tell if Johnus' hair was black or dark brown in the light of the hall, but it was straight and tied back. He was tall and broad, even standing above Mishor's long, lean frame. His large, powerful arms were folded across his thick chest.

Silfiya DeTowr was a slender, middle-aged woman with long, straight blonde hair braided and neatly wrapped into a bun.

Dentill had an average build, his eyes were icey blue, nearly everything about him was pale, as if all pigment had been deawn out of his body with pale skin and nearly-white wavy blond hair.

Kith Serrith stood in stark contrast to Dafid Dentill with dark, straight hair, dark skin, a firm, square jaw and a short, wide nose.

A middle-aged man with greying, straight brown hair and blue eyes set in a round face smiled down at the students.

Illendis was dark-skinned like Serrith, but a head shorter. His body was soft-edged from weight and age. His short, dark hair was peppered with grey and so was his beard that accentuated the roundness of his features.

"Yes, we." Sray responded. "You have been at this a few years, you could use a construct to insulate the cab. Between our body heat and me we could travel rather comfortably."

Tenna sat back, dumbfounded at Sray's response.

"Well, Tenna?" Elima probed, frowning sternly at the older girl.

Tenna narrowed her eyes at Elima. "I don't think that will be necessary, thank you. I think we're all quite warm enough."

The rest of the ride back was unremarkable. Tenna, her full name Tenesef Hyun, was Elima's cousin. The two young men sitting on either side of her were Otlin and Luskan Mounthyns, brothers from a town just North of the bordwr with Gollan. They were on their second day of travel to Engama.

lemyes: gairohd vallabohn, lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: tenasef hyun, lemyes: kith serrith, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: elima hyun, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes, lemyes: johnus pfyllat, lemyes: sray

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