Miniwrimo 20

Nov 20, 2023 20:46

When she reached a spot wide enough to sit she paused and pulled out the book Kenbin gave her. It wasn't bound the usual way with sheaves of paper stitched into the binding, but folded, accordian-style. The first page, or section before the first fold, was glued to the cover while the last was tucked into a pocket in the back cover. When she removed the last section from its pocket it was apparent that it was folded again.

Carefully she unfolded the thick paper to reveal the North end of the valley, the mountains, and a portion of the forest in northeastern Ela'yas. Rotating it over to view the back it depicted the southern half of the valley, the lower mountains on that side, and the northern end of the plains of Tromar. It was all gridded and scaled, showing Engama and its outbuildings, the river, and the road disappeared off the page on the west end. To the east it ended about a mile from the end of the valley with a note about the wall. The northern range dipped in that area, making it passable by humans and the Meim barrier was simply noted with a line, the east side labeled as Klamon territory and nothing more. The south end was marked with trails and colored lines that the key noted as barriers and markers. It had been well-explored and traveled. In contrast the northern range wasn't clearly labeled with many landmarks. She searched, looking from the map to the valley below and found where she was, somewhere near the middle of the map on the edge of the known area of the mountain. Carefully, she refolded the map and tucked it into her bag. A drink of water and the bag was across her back again and she was moving on.

She found a small trail of water and followed it upwards until it seeped out of the rock. The ledge just below it seemed a little too smooth to be natural.

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: sray

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