Titles, Behlsh is named

Nov 06, 2023 21:12

"You use the unmarried title, though." Sray observed.

"I am not married, but DeTauwr is a lot easier for Ela'yans to say than Vayldenbohn and I still share the name with my daughter, no reason to change it."

In Ela'yan both men and women have married and unmarried titles. English has Ms and Mrs for women but men are all Mr. Ela'yan has another indication and I'm not sure how I would want to represent that.

The foal scrambled to its feet again, filled with the in-born urge from both its parents to rise again and again, motion was life and survival. The short, crimped, two-toned tail swished in adgitation and it shook its head again, threatening its tenuous balance, but managing to hold its feet this time. Its mouth pursed into a suckling position and it bumped its head into Zhyelmay's chest, seeking out what instinct knew could be found.

Well-familiar with the confusion of a newborn Zhyelmay nuzzled the foal and repositioned herself to make it easier to find the udder. It still took a few tries of mare and foal moving around each other before it succeeded in latching on and draining the swollen udders of the thin, yellow colostrum.

It clumsily dropped to the ground and closed its eyes, thin barrel rising and falling, exhausted. Sray stepped into the stall again, untying and spreading out the sack and freshly passed placenta to inspect them for all their parts. Satisfied she put it in the corner by the gate to dispose of later before sitting down beside the sleeping foal. Her fingers gently traced along the dorsal and shoulder bars and felt the softness of its now-dry coat as she admired this strange, wonderful creature that blended its two parents so well.

"You have a nice little filly there, Sray." Kayrin observed. "Just wait until she unfolds in the next few days."

Sray smiled. "She has her sire's color, except for the star, that comes from Zhyelmay."

"What will you have her called?" Teigan asked.

Sray traced the bold, white star with her fingers, knowing it would gradually shrink as the filly grew. "I have been thinking about it since Zhyelmay was bred and seeing her now I think I will call her Behlsh."

lemyes: fire forged key, lemyes: teigan sollit, lemyes: forged by fire, lemyes: silfiya detowr, lemyes: behlsh the mule, lemyes, lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes: sray

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