Behlsh's birth con't and Kayrin's thoughts

Nov 04, 2023 20:34

Zhyelmay lay still, eyes half-closed as her breathing slowed. Kayrin had moved to the mare's head, gently stroking and removing bits of straw from her forelock and mane, muttering praise and appreciation.

Sray was busy taking in every strange, spectacular part of the creature from the tiny, puffing nostrils to its hooves with the finger-like pedals that protected the mare from their eventual flinty sharpness. A small noise that was barely a nickered grunt escaped it and Zhyelmay's head popped up and she rolled up on her sternum, staring intently at the little dark form splayed out behind her, tapered chestnut ears focused intently upon it. The little head bobbed and the ears flopped and another, small, high, hoarse, nickered grunt came from the foal. The mare returned the sound with her own, throaty nicker and the foal lurched and snorted, shaking its head in frustration, ears starting to stabilize sideways instead of just flopping uncontrolled against its head and neck.

Zhyelmay got to her feet and turned to nose the foal, the umbilical cord snapping at the movement. Kayrin ran a hand along the mare's hip before grabbing the slimy, heavy sack and cord and tying it in a simple knot to keep it from dragging and help weight it to encourage the passing of the placenta. Sray wiped the nostrils clean once more and scratched along the dorsal stripe. The foal lurched again, bucking its hips against the sensation. Kayrin and Sray both stepped back to give the mare and foal room, retreating towards the gate.

Janef was leaning over the rails looking completely enraptured by the scene. "Look at that color, it has a dorsal stripe and everything." Janef said admiringly.

For a long time I thought I had been born to the wrong body. I was so unlike my siblings and parents. I didn't think like them. I didn't feel what they told me they felt. It wasn't until I met your father that I realized I really should have been Klamon, Getier, of course. I was ill-suited to the Kamenan sensibilities of the time I was born into. I was as Getier as my human body could let me be. I could never be as Getier as my soul longed to be.

It was years before I realized that I couldn't have been born Getier despite my desire. For one, it was too late. I was already born human, and there was no way to change that. It was useless to pine for what could not be. If I had been born Getier, I realized my life would not have been what it is. Has I been born on the other side of the Milash, I could not have done what I did. Had I not been the daughter of Dayfid and Shayrin Hillenbohn, I would not be who I am, as much as I find what they have done and said reprehensible.

I would not know your father or Rothan as I do, if I ever met them. I would not have you, my hope, my love.

We all have our place and purpose, even if it is not clear now.

lemyes: kayrin hillenbohn, lemyes: janef hillenbohn, lemyes: sray, lemyes: behlsh the mule

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