Miniwrimo day two

Nov 02, 2023 20:58

This isn't everything as I did some editing on physical copy.

Third term Kem is free of her mathematics requirements. Sray is excused from her writing needs, still stuck with literature and history. I need to figure out the name of the literature instructor who replaces Dentill.

Zhyelmay is Kayrin's favorite mare, a rich sorrel with bright, flaxen points with a broad blaze, bright, curious eyes, and mobile ears of moderate length. This is Behlsh's dam.

Velshtald is the Byajintoran jack, a grey dun donkey, recessive at agouti so he has no pale soft points.

Behlsh herself is grey dun with a small white star.

Kayrin's last letter had noted Zyelmay's udders had started to swell. Sray was anxious to be home, hoping that the foal would wait until she got home, and fearing the mare would hold on until after she had to go back for her third term. The drive home she was anxiously excited, Ottlin teased her about it.

"Thelus has you all in with the mules. You've seen one you've seen them all."

"You only say that because you could never manage to get along with them well enough to do any training of them. You're stuck with the horses and barely allowed to look at the jack."

Elima and Kirren were distracted discussing their plans for the break. Tenasef was facing her last break before her final required term at Engama. She had wedding plans and a move ahead, her husband-to-be was in his second year as a Journeyman and had a couple more years to go before he would be done.

The carriage stopped and she eagerly climbed out and gathered her bags. Kenbin and Li'ontel wished her well before the vehicle and its team trotted off.

She dropped her bags on the porch and jogged into the barn.


She bolted up, heart leaping into a staccato beat, flooding her body with adrenaline. Her bare feet were on the floor and carried her out the door in an instant. She dropped through the trap door to the ground floor, nearly on top of Janef who squeaked in surprise.

"Slow down! You have time."

"How far along is she?" Sray called back breathlessly, barely pausing at the back door.

"Her water just broke-" Sray was out the door.

lemyes, lemyes: otlin mounthyuns, lemyes: sray, lemyes: behlsh the mule, lemyes: thelus shtorpfyl

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