Jan 13, 2005 22:57
i guess im the only one who is not dead to the LJ world anymore. dude, people need to update for real!! my classes are sooooo much better this semester then last semester...like times 10. im still finishing up 2 pre-reqs...bio and finite math and then i have 3 classes for my major...child growth and development, intro to learning disabilities and behavior disorders, and collaboration of families, school and community. bio and math are super easy and i love my major classes cause, duh, they are in my major! the last one, collaboration..., is actually not supposed to be taken until my last semester of my senior year but my advisor said i could take it cause i had to start my major so i wouldnt only have 9 credit hours. but that class is awesome. its mostly people working on their masters or teachers themselves wanting to learn more or get re-certified. its 2 and a half hours but its only one day a week and very interactive. my intro class is cool too...im learning so much and its only the second week. ive also started volunteering at the special ed school up here gretchen everhart again. i adore the kids there and i also learn a lot just from being with them and helping them with daily life skills. i cant wait to start teaching! speaking of teaching...i almost accepted a job as a substitute teacher but turned it down cause in the end i would have spend more then i earned with background screening, finger printing and extra testing sooo...i got my old job back at my campus diner...lol ugh. but whatever its money and i know what im doing there. hopefully in the fall i can get a much higher paying job. on a side note...im starting to finally feel like a college student! haha i mean for the first time i am reading out of text books and actually understanding the material!! its a miracle! and ive picked up reading for leisure as well. not that i have that much free time but it helps me relax and de-stress for like .2 plus i have an hour and a half break in between my classes so it gives me something to do. alright well now that im not as stressed and crazed as before im off to bed...oh and p.s. they cancelled my camp that i was supposed to volunteer at next weekend for kids who are on dialysis. im so upset! i was really looking forward to it but instead i am doing a camp in april for kids who have craniofacial disorders. alright have a great week everyone and someone better update soon or i am going to look like a big loser! haha bye bye :)