lots of text this time. understand pt 2

Feb 15, 2007 12:19

-yesterday i
i did stuff
watched IT in Olechka's room & Love Don't Cost A Thing in my room
i also ate a lot of chocolate chip cookies & Fun Dip!

i was an hour late to work this morning because i forgot to set my alarm on my cellphone. good thing my b0ss wasn't mad. i only got to work an hour tho as a result. ugh !! to less money.

-ahmed abdullahai
i memorized my crush's name. god i'm dumb.

-writer song book
a scene in it reminded of when in highschool at a book fair i wanted to get a writer song book but couldn't afford it at the time so i saved up my money to get & i finally did but only used up two pages. where is that book, i wonder?

-Love Don't Cost A Thing
stupid ass mutherfreaking movie.
the reason it is that cuz it's so predictable like i knew pretty much all the occurances that was going to happen five minutes into the movie. i like drama movies. movies that have meaning. instead of a guy that wants to be popular that he pays this girl to be his girl to make friends.   bullshit.

-Valentines Day
i hate how people are like '0h Valentines is a stupid ass holiday' blahdy blah blah but seriously, would you think it was so stupid ass if you had a boyfriend who gave you flowers & chocolate? yeah, doubt that. i really didn't care about Valentines & that i was single. who the eff cares. it comes once a year, so what.

my aunt keeps calling me but i never pick up. well this is her second time calling. i just don't want to talk to her. she'll tell/ask me the same stupid things & treat me like a child. I hate when she asks if i cleaned my room & picked up stuff. why should she care? she's six hours away & its my dorm room, i'll put dirty underwear all over the floor if i want. wait, thas kinda gross. but you get my point

my skin is dryy. so dry. lotion does sh!t well the lotion i have anyway

my birthday is coming up the twenty fourth of February & i am turning twenty. what are the plans?   dunno

-people who borrow stuff
i fuckin hate people who borrow my stuff but i never see it again UNLESS i hunt them down for it. MY GOD, gimme my shit at a resonable time, not friggen two monthes later when i notice that i still haven't gotten it back. HATE THATTTT so much. i'm only lending people stuff that i KNOW i'll get back in the next year

-Pink Lemonade
beautiful creation

i might be going this weekend. it was kinda a spur of the moment type thing tho. i doubt i'll go plus, i don't want to spend any moneyyyy cuz i'm still saving up for that camera i wanttt.

-10.2 megapixels
i saw an email about a new Nikon camera coming out with a 10.2 megapixel camera & almost cremed myself & went into high orgasm.
what is high orgasm, i wonder?

i normally lovvvve Chili but the kind i had today was so damn spicy so i just dipped my chedderchicken wrap into the sauce instead & just threw out the rest
why didn't they provide corn bread, i wonder?

-i wonder?
why do i always say that, i wonder?

i actually should take one but i'm too lazy to get off this chair, i think i'll actually go take a nap & then take a shower. ughhh hate the showers, esp when i see hair that is not mine in the drain, i wanna like claw the walls in disgust

-silly string
i bought a can but never used it, its been sitting on top of my printer for a semester and a half.

-Old Country Buffet
i recommend everyone to go there, the best restuarant in all the land. fried/roasted chicken up to your eyeballs!

i could do without one

-80' boombox
this teacher in the library said his 80's boombox was like his ip0d. my boss said he should put it on his shoulder & jam out. i didn't laugh, i smiled.

-Aretha Franklin
starting to get into her music. i'm in love with it. 'say alittle prayer' & 'respect' are my favorites.

wOw i'm really tired. time to go take a nap.

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