Sep 14, 2006 00:28
1) Where was your last kiss?
At the barracks when I dropped Aaron off Monday morning.
2) What color underwear are you wearing now?
None at the moment
3) What are you listening to right now?
TLC, Untold Stories of the ER
4) Whats your favorite number(s)?
25, 10
5) What was the last thing you ate?
Strawberry sherbet
6) When was the last time you smiled?
Earlier tonight, I'm sure.
7) How is the weather right now?
I'm inside, but it was hot today. It's always hot. It's probably still hot.
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
11) Do you smoke?
Not really, I hate cigarettes.
12) When was the last time, if ever, you blacked out?
It hasn't been for awhile. I don't even remember. Maybe my 20th birthday?
13) Any children?
Not at the moment.
14) Your Hair color?
15) Eye color?
17) Favorite Holiday?
My birthday is pretty sweet, but I like Thanksgiving too.
18) Favorite Month?
19) Have you ever cried for no reason?
Yup, all the time. I'm an emotional person.
20) Last movie you watched?
Jarhead, but I fell asleep about half-way through. I really want to see the rest.
21) Favorite Day of the Year?
I don't have a specific day of the year. But August 25th is a pretty damn good day.
22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Kind of, but I don't really care anymore. And technically I didn't ask Aaron, I made him ask me :-)
23) Last advice you received?
I haven't asked for any in a long time.
24) What was the highlight of your weekend?
Going to the beach on Sunday with Aaron, Alicia, and Tim and actually going swimming; watching the sunset; watching Tim and Aaron get jealous :-P
25) How late have you ever stayed out?
All night.
26) Chocolate or Vanilla?
27) Who sent you your last IM?
My brother.
28) Who did you send your last IM to?
Shayla or Lauren. I think Shayla
29) Who was the last person to call you?
31) When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
BED? My birthday weekend. House? Last weekend.
32) Favorite football team?
I'm a Niners fan at heart, but I love the Steelers.
33) Favorite baseball Team?
I hate baseball.
34) What were you doing before this?
Playing a computer game. Yup, I'm a nerd.
35) Any pets?
3 cats, but only one here.
36) Favorite Drink?
Water, iced tea, Bacardi, Jack.
37) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
Eh. I'm over popcorn.
38) Cats or dogs?
39) Favorite flower?
40) When was the last time you got into trouble?
Like 2 or 3 weeks ago at the beach. Got busted for having a fire going after 10.
41) What did you do?
...We had a fire going after 10.
43) Who would you like to see this weekend?
Aaron, Alicia, and Lauren.
44) Are you still friends with people from kindergarden?
Nope. I don't even remember who I went to kindergarten with. (Yes, it's with a 't', not a 'd')
45) Have you ever fired a gun?
Hell yeah, I loved it.
46) Do you like to travel by plane?
Absolutely love it.
47) What websites do you go to frequently, besides myspace?
Hotmail, postsecret, facebook.
48) What are your goals for the weekend?
Laudry, San Diego, drinking.
49) Do you have a crush?
Yup, sure do.
50) Are you missing someone?
A few people.