Let's make it official

Jan 31, 2007 18:21

I'm sure this comes as no big suprise as we've been completely inactive for awhile, but rapturesque is closing indefinitely. Meaning maybe sometime in the future the community will be something again, but for now it's time to say good-bye. I haven't posted here since the summer and I only kept it 'open' this long for my makers, most of whom have know left for other communities. Or just dissapeared from LJ completely.

Since dissembling, where I was posting, has also closed recently, I'd like to annouce my new graphics community. If you're still interested in my work please join over there. That's where you'll find me from now on. =)

envidious envidious envidious
envidious envidious envidious
envidious envidious envidious

I hope to see you all over there real soon! Thanks for making this place so great while it lasted. ♥

- Britney
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