Jul 15, 2009 00:39
There is simply no way to describe how DDT's music makes me feel. I would love so much to be able to touch someone and give them this exact feeling. I feel home. I feel like no matter where I go, this little sliver of home always remains with me, traveling through wires from my mp3 player to my headphones, then transforming into the only ephemeral form delicate enough to pass through my ears and, through nerves and passageways too complex to be known, right into my heart.
I close my eyes and see the streets I grew up walking on with my grandma, drenched from the melting snows of spring. There is nothing quite like it. There is never anything quite like home.
И представил я: город наводнился вдруг веселыми людьми.
Вышли все под дождь, хором что-то пели, и плясали, черт возьми.
Позабыв про стыд и опасность после с осложненьем заболеть,
Люди под дождем, как салют, встречали гром - весенний первый гром.
(It doesn't translate. It never does. But this is as close as I can get.)
And I imagined the city flooded suddenly with happy people.
Everyone came outside under the rain, they sang something in unison, and danced, damn it all.
Forgetting shame and the danger of later catching an illness with complications,
People in the rain, like a salute, welcomed the thunder - the first spring thunder.
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