(no subject)

Jul 02, 2005 15:20


[a]ge: 18 (b-day august 5th)
[b]estfriends: Desmond and Lauren and maybe some other ppl? well no, i'm just exaggerating and pretending things are how they are when they aren't to make myself feel better blah. But I mostly have good friends, which are better than nothing right?
[c]rush: i'm crushin on Dessy my boo
[d]reams: marriage/having twins/getting out of depression
[e]xciting adventure: hmmmmmm (this has yet to happen) going on a road trip with friends n gettin drunk and running thru a forest with lil to no clothes on and feeling the cool breeze run over my body
[g]reatest kiss: i've had a few hah(one being my first one but of course!)
[h]appiest day of your life: that will be when my future husband asks me to marry him and also the days when i've met my closest friends..awwww
[i]nterests: my bf, my friends, music, art, getting it on, concerts, my dog
[j]ello: Cherry
[k]andy: ewww i hate candy
[l]ove of your life: Desmond
[m]ovie: Batman begins/Now & Then
[n]ame: Ashey
[o]utfit: Blk lfc shorts and blue tank top
[p]izza: Papa john's n imos n dominoes
[q]uestion: "why should i care? cuz you weren't there when i was scared, i was so alone" -avril
[r]adio station: (in stl) the point, 100.3 and soft rock 102.5
[s]port: Tennis/Baseball (the cards...my mom is obssesed with them, so i got hooked to em too)
[t]alkative .. yes or no?: depends who i'm with and on my mood
[u]r favorite song: hover--trust company breaking the habit-linkin park signs-justin timberlake destiny-zero 7 (i have like 18 more or so haha) Ask des, b/c i always say my favorite song is playing...that's like every day :/
[w]ebsite: lj, my space
[x]zibit .. love or hate?: haha 'pimp mah ride" boi, hmm in btwn. he seems cool
[y]ear you were born: 1986
[z]odiac sign: Leo roooaaaarrrr
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