I one day want to drive 100 mph on up and not be scared :D

Aug 03, 2005 17:02

I had an awesome day yesterday. I ate @ jbucks with an adult friend of mine, mr. lewis. He's always entertaining and very nice to me, and the food was goood =) (I had a chikn salad if you are interested):P and it wasn't those small cheap ones from Wendys haha. Besides that we looked at Bentleys and Maseratis (not really for me to be buying one soon, but he was having one custom made--enough said).

That evening I was at Gateway International with Des and we stayed until 10ish then got our grub on aka eating. It was a drag race show which happens there every Tuesday. They have 5 trophies awarded at the end. It was fun/cool shit, and my first one that i've ever been to. I learned a lot about cars. (thanks des) The best part was probably seeing my bf do a few runs. His best time was the 13 53 at 103 mph, which was awesome. The other runs he came out at 14 seconds at whatever speed, which is still good, but he wanted to be even faster. I told him the fastest i've went by myself was probably 80. He likes the rush, and i think guys that race are always hot. I gave him a flashing of the oranges in the car. (just kidding, okay no i'm not. You can figure out what that means.).

Hmm I was in a really good mood that day and I was getting hyper and "insane more than the average person" as he said. Ugggh I fuckin Love him. After that we went to his house and chilled and then i drove home tired as hell, yet still with enough energy to get online for an hour, to cure my addiction.

That's all for now, even tho something bad happened today. Errr. Hwvr after talking to COOL ppl like des my boo and julie and cj and even jay! woo (i've realized how i always name specifics) but I feel better. I won't get into it now. But my feelings were hurt :( and i felt rejected by a friend, and felt that they weren't even "big" enough to come to me asap. Just liek the rapper T.I. He likes things to be done ASAP, that song is awesome and u haven't heard it yet you will have no idea what i'm talking about. I heard it twice last night 0_0 and i was getting my groove on in the car. Oh and I was also called a nerd yesterday but someone I just met ( a friend of des) and I'm like hmmm, well I must be the hottest nerd you've ever seen then. I took no offense but it was funny and shocking b/c i had met him literally 20 mins before.
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