(no subject)

Feb 17, 2009 23:54

Moving is made of headaches and conflict.  I'm excited in spite of this. The  new house is adorable, affordable and tiny. It's stone and purple- not my favorite color, but I sort or enjoy people's odd/impractical decisions- and it has a nice energy/coziness about it. It's also bigger on the inside, like the TARDIS :)
Anyway... I've started something that could be fic eventually, that begins with Tosh being released from prison into Jack's custody, and centers around their  friendship/relationship. I'm soliciting lengthy opinions on how this went. I am not married to any one idea at this point, I just know that she starts out indebted to him and  by "End of Days" they are friendly, affectionate, and sweet. My only strong belief about this scenario is that Jack doesn't immediately seduce her, but wins her trust in other ways. I also think that they have some sort of intimate contact at least once. It *is* Jack, after all...
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