Nov 19, 2012 23:36
I would love you so much.
I know what love means. It's the care you give someone you find special within all the characteristics you find special about that person. Everyone is the same, but no one is more different than you. Your differences are what I love. You're that brilliant color that pops against a blah background. You're that sophisticated pallet that finesses other brilliant colors around you. Your asceticism is only the beginning of your beauty, for, if you cannot completely control yourself, who are you letting control your aspects? You're free. You slide, rocket, and sizzle into the sky, and no one can burn brighter than you. While you're that high, you look back to see that people join you at the apex, because the view is gorgeous from atop, but not as gorgeous without love abound. Maybe this is a self projection, but I'd rather it be a reflection, because light finds infinite radiance when continually reflected at itself. For you, a ring means this from me;
This is how I symbolize my love to you.