Prompt Challenge #046: Storage
Title: The Crypt
Author: raptor-moon
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 155
Disclaimer: Not mine, No money made, Ready for them to show more…
It was a hard decision to make. The senator was easy, entombed as he was in the damaged shuttle. But other deaths left them with hard decisions. Do they try and store the bodies not knowing when or even if they would ever get home, or consign the body to deep space and possibly deny the relatives any sense of closure by removing the chance to bury the bodies. Each member of Destiny’s new crew was asked to write a will to send a last message to their loved ones and to indicate how they wished their possessions and their body to be disposed. Luckily it was a big ship, and as Rush so indelicately pointed out, the dead don’t need an atmosphere, and so a large room - nicknamed the Crypt by some of the soldiers whose duty it was to deliver the deceased to their resting place - was set aside to store the dead.