Title: Lifelike Special Effects
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG, T
Challenge #577 - Kings and Queens
Characters: Jess, Lester, Connor
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
“Sir, we have reports of a Tyrannosaurus Rex in New York.” Jess interrupted.
Lester looked up, “Where?”
“New York, specifically Queens.”
“And we are being told about this because…”
“The Americans wanted advice...”
“I see.” Lester sighed, “Any sign of the anomaly that spit it out?”
“Yes, it’s in Central Park.”
“No way to cover that up easily.” Lester shook his head, “How did it get to Queens?”
“I don’t know, Grand Central Parkway?” Jess speculated. “Well it didn’t take the subway?”
Connor strode in, “Just say the anomaly and Tyrannosaurus are special effects for the next Marvel Spiderman movie.”