Years ago I was pretty active with making graphics, sites and art. I even won quite a few awards with it in the LJ communities and even on real websites (like Lord of the rings games etc).
After my job got busier I lost the time for it and had a maor art block. From time to time tried to get back but my artwork was never good enough for my own standards.
Today I thought.. What the fuck ever.
I have installed photoshops, I am downloading my brushes again and new artwork is coming up as we speak. Icons can be requested again and soon
Iconspam might be (ab)used again for some major iconage.
So if you want anything done.. small doodles (chibi elves, wow characters, dollfies etc). Icons or banners (even wallpapers). Let me know and I be happy to help since I need to practice again.
As for the rating, try me and we work something out ;)
Just a word of warning I am an amateur, however that doesn't mean I am bad. I have gotten better over the years. Please see
Iconspam for my old graphic work. I am more than happy to make stuff in a similar style if there is something you like.
Yes Babes & Bitches Britney's Raptoe's back