Jul 28, 2008 13:35
No BSG until 2009?
Good Good Good!
I am still stuck in season 1 and that means I can actually catch up a bit until season 4 which is the last season. *grabs the dvd's of Pepijn and runs off*
Also I watched the 4th season of Dcotor Who and I loved some of the episodes. Although the doctor's daughter (loved the actress who played her) was kind of meh and the same for the "silence of the library".
I just don't like it when all of a sudden we get two major characters just thrown in our face. The daughter was all too abrupt and the whole "companion" along with horribly vague background and deep intense love life with the doc, made me go ehm wtf?
Also More Jack!
And I had my doubts but I loved Donna as companion.. And Martha was also way cooler now. Less of that "omg Doctor"*swoon* it got annoying in the 3rd season.
And yah! for Rose at the end..