Scientists Having Fun with Taxonomy

Jan 27, 2011 22:52

Glancing through blogs that my sister watches yielded this gem:

Two New Genera of Agathidiini from the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) - a publication describing some new species including the new genus Gelae. According to my sister's friend, Gelae stems from the latin word for gelatinous because the bugs feed on slime molds and is pronouced "jelly."

If you look through the abstract, you will see that there are discriptions for species with the following scientific names: Gelae rol, G. fish, G. donut, G. baen, and G. belae.

Apparently this same scientist (Quentin Wheeler) has named other slime mold-eating beetles after Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld...
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