Oct 24, 2005 19:59
Homecoming was a BLAST
We didnt get to the dance until 9:30, wer'e too cool.
Just kidding ; )
K so Alex and Beverly went together, Kathy and Chrisss, Graham and I, and Danny and Stephanieee...
And it was sooo fun we danced like maniacs I tell ya..
And all the girls were like "Omg we are gonna dance so much" and the guys kept saying "Fuck that, we dont know how to dance.."
Except like 20 minutes into the dance they wouldnt stop lol and I think if the girls had stopped they would have started dancing with other people, Im not even kidding...They LOVED it.
I kept saying "Grahammm I need...A..*gasp*..Drink...Of WATER!" and hed be like "Dammit Magi Im getting into this just wait, one more song, I swear.."
I think its cute when guys watch other guys and copy them hahaha.
Sooo after the dance was wayyyy tight. We wanted it just the couples cuz its our last homecoming and shizz.
So we go to Dannys billion dollar house with the playboy mansion pool (I swear, look at my pictures on Myspace lol)
And we had, of course, plenty of party favors...
His mom made like 5485 cupcakes and freaking sub sandwiches and had all this soda and chips and dip and ahh it was greeat.
Shes sooo nice she was like "Oh you guys look great! Theres some food, Im going to bed, HAVE FUN!"
And Dannys house...I dont know how this works...But we can be as loud as we want and play music as loud as we want and his parents wont hear cuz his house is big. My parents would be shuttt the hellll up dammitttt lol.
So then we got our vodka (Smirnoff Citrus, bitches...We had 2 half gallons and lemme tell you, that was MORE then enough..) then we got nakie (okay okay, bathing suits) and went in the jacuzzi and took shots all night...Some people went down the water slide but it was tooo cold for me.
"Graham, youre a ham, you ate all of minee...Fuck, lets go make a hamwich...I mean, sandwich!"
"Don't give it up to him tonight. DONT give it up to him!"
"Uh, you do know shes NOT a virgin, right?"
"We found poisinous shrooms!"
"Are you gonna eat them?"
"Um, poisinous..Therefore, Deadly dumbass. NO."
"I hate taking shots!"
"No shit, you take it like youre sipping tea, you damn tea-sipper! Youre not drinking tea, take the damn shot!"
Went to bed at 5:30 AM.
Woke up at like 9 lol.
Was awesome.
Cant wait till the weeeekennnnddddddd<3