jan, where do you get all those surveys from?? i love it...and each time i steal them...:-)

Jan 08, 2004 15:33

[name] nadine
[nicknames] schneckal
[home] munich / germany
[eye color] brown
[hair] light brown
[bf/gf] yes..in a way
[pets] muffel, my hamster, and strolch, my budgerigar
[movie] chicago, america's sweethearts, finding nemo :-)
[ice cream flavor] hazelnut
[pizza topping] pepperoni, tunny
[saying] can't say it right now...my mind is empty...:-)
[month] august
[season] summer
[shoes] all that suit and look good
[fast food place] mc donalds
[restaurants] "bohne & malz"
[radio station] i don't really listen to the radio that much...
[band] don't have a specific one
[t.v. show] friends, without a trace
[food] pancake, chocolate
[chocolate or vanilla] chocolate
[skaters or jocks] skaters
[cds or cassettes] cds
[left or right handed] rightly
[middle name] don't have one...
[piercings] nope
[play any instruments] i had started taking guitar lessons, but i quit quite soon
[how many pillows] 1
[like to talk on the phone] depends...
[sleep w/ a stuffed animal] yep
[believe in aliens] hm...i believe someone must be out there....
[believe in ghosts] sometimes
[whats your fav feature on yourself?] eyes and lips...:-)
[what do you do when you're nervous] bite my nails, shiver, my voice cracks...
[whos your role model] allison spratt and caren lyn manuel
[farthest youve ever traveled] usa (florida)
[where do you wanna go] to NYC
[when you grow up ...] NYC
[college] don't know if i want to study at all...
[want to live] NYC
[who do you love] chris in a way, orlando bloom

-------------RIGHT NOW-------------

*wearing: woolen socks, sporty pants and a jacket
*feeling: not very well
*eating: i just finished my chocolate...
*drinking: water
*thinking about: my homework that i still got to do for tomorrow
*listening to: the noise of my computer and the keys
*talking to: my computer :-)

-------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-------------

*cried: almost
*worn a skirt: no
*met someone new: sandra's grandmother
*cleaned your room: no
*done laundry: no

-------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------------

*yourself: sometimes
*your friends: yes
*santa claus: no
*angels: i would love to have one...
*ghosts: sometimes
*UFO's: well, who knows...

-------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------------

*have a b/f: yes, in a way
*like anyone: some of my friends
*known longest of all friends: veronica
*cried the most: this year
*best feeling in the world: being in love
*worst feeling: being alone


[band] don't know
[subject] math!!!
[food] meat with too much fat on it
[color] i don't know

*this or that*

[boxers or briefs] boxers
[plaid or striped] plaid
[scream, scream 2, or scream 3] scream
[ska or punk] ska
[salt or pepper] salt
okay, ok, or o.k.] okay
[bright colors or dark colors] bright colors
[tic-tacs or certs] tic-tacs
[sunshine or rain] sunshine
[rain or snow] snow
[sun or moon]sun
[silver or gold] silver
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] flannel
[preps or freaks] freaks
[popcorn w/ or w/o butter] w/o
[ketchup, mustard, mayo, or relish] mayo
[shampoo+conditioner in one or separate] seperate

*short answer*

[are yu smart?] some people think so...
[do yu like onions?] yes
[what instruments can yu play?] guitar, but only very little
[what words to yu overuse?] "and stuff"
[sleep w/ socks on?] i was told that it's bad for your feet, os now without
[ticklish?] yeeessssss
[shy?] yeah
[talk to yourself?] yes
[house 1, 2, or 3 stories?] 2 stories
[have basement or attic?] both
[did yu go 2 preschool?] nope
[are yu a morning person?] nope

*hard questions*

[rather burn to death or freeze to death?] what??? oh, okay, *hard questions*...probably freeze....but i don't want to think about it too much...
[are the best things in life free?] yes
[can $ buy happiness?] no, just maybe for some time
[if yu had to dye yur hair, what color would yu dye it?] lighter blonde
[if yu had to get a body piercing where would it be?] nose

4 FAVORITE GIRL NAMES: allison, caren (is that too obvious?? :-)), amy, laura
4 FAVORITE BOY NAMES: chris, cary, luke, dylan
FAVORITE SOUNDS: laughing, music
FAVORITE SMELLS: caren's oils...chris' perfume
6 FAVORITE MOVIES: 6?? wow, we had that before though, didn't we?? okay: chicago, america's sweethearts, the haunting, singin in the rain, finding nemo, scary movie
ALL OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS (max. 15): sandra, amy, allison, tina, cathy, chrissie, anni
WHAT WAS YUR FAV GRADE: i don't have one....
3 BEST WORDS TO DESCRIBE YURSELF: shy, sentimental, emotional
"never again" sung by aaron paul & ann christin elverum
"the stage" - caren and russ
"all of the above" - idina menzel
"larissa's lagoon" - idina menzel
"what you own" - rent

IF YU COULD CHANGE YUR NAME, WHAT WOULD YU CHANGE IT TO? i hate mine, but i can' think of another name
2. Have yu ever smoked weed? ...
3. ever been drunk? no
4. been in love? yes
5. loved someone? yes
6. gotten in a car accident? yes, but i was lucky and didn't get hurt
7. broken a bone? no
8. had your heart broken? YES
9. last time you cried? beginning of this week
10. last time you said i love yu 2 someone? don't remember the day...it was end of last year though
11. last time you laughed? yesterday
12. what age to yu see yurself married at? mid 20s??
13. describe your dream wedding. my best friends around and my love next to me :-) that's all i need
14. eat chicken w/ yur fingers or w/ a fork? depends on where i eat it, i def. don't use a fork at mc donalds
15. rather give or recieve? receice....but i love the feeling to give someone something that they totally love, because i receive the cutest smiles then...and that's what i need too
16. how many homes have yu lived in total? 3
17. one pillow or two? 1
18. get along w/ yur parents? not really
19. do yu work? sometimes, when i don't have to go to school
20. do yu have braces? i had
21. have yu ever been chased by cops? nope
22. have yu ever been in serious trouble? i guess so
23. why is the sky blue? i am not a scientist, don' ask me
24. who was yur first crush? : a guy at elementary school
25. when yu meet a person of yur preferred sex, yu first notice their: hair
26. are yu the romantic type? totally
27. bathe in the morning? no
28. bathe in the evening? yes
29. how many times, in a wk, would yu say yuve washed yurself? ouc, that's hard...a lot, like every morning, evening, after i used the toilet...after eating...i have no idea
30. do yu flex in the mirror? no, i run aways from that "thing" that shows myself in it....
31. do other ppl find yu attractive? some do
32. do yu find yurself attractive? sometimes...but that's rarely happening
33. what is yur favorite quote? i have some quotes i love, but i don't have them on my mind right now...
34. list 10 things yu like about yurself:
1) lips
2) eyes
3) smile
4) stomach
5) hair sometimes
6) that i am a friendly girl
7) that i have few great friends who i really love
8) my legs
9) that i am kinda patient sometimes, although i could scream
10) that i let my feelings flow if there's need to

35. list 5 ppl online rite now that yu care about: there's no one online right now...me, perhaps?? :-)
36. overall, do yu love yurself? sometimes
37. are yu more happy, then not? no
38. have yu ever been hit on before? ...
39. is the glass half-empty or half-full? depends...now i'd say half-empty
40. what color do yu see the world in? blue
41. why? don't know...
42. how often do yu swear? a lot!!!
43. how often do yu swear at other ppl? often
44. how does this make yu feel? shitty
45. are yu on some kind of medication? not really
46. do yu think yu need it? no
47. right now, who/what do yu feel like hugging? allison, caren, chris, t.j.
48. name 3 songs yur listening 2: i am not listening to any songs right now...:-)
49. 3 ppl whos voices yud like to hear right now: allison, caren, chris
50. fav word: love
51. fav color: blue
52. least fav noise: alarm clock in the morning...but i LOVE it at school :-)
53. least fav word: hate
54. do yu value yur friends? YES
55. do yu value yur family? sometimes
56. do yu value yur stuff? yes
57. whats yur fav animal? dog, dolphin, hamster
58. whats yur fav dessert? mousse a chcolate
59. how old r yu? 17, almost 18
60. whats yur fav smilie? :-)
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