May 11, 2005 23:11
UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stacey is pissing me off!!!! Here's the convo so far:
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: yeah I don't care about what I wear, but I think it's because I'm so busy hiding in my big clothes and sweatshirts.... I really hate the feeling that I have nothing to show off.... nobody likes my personality, I can't show off the money or body that I don't have.... so why not hide?
Stacey: i was like that in school. i was over weight, and wore frumpy t-shirts and jeans, and i hide my boobs, and i hated the girls who were sluty and pretty
Stacey: and i daydreamed that i would meet a movie star that would date me, so i could brag to all those snobby girls,,okay so i still have that dream, only the snobby girls are replaced by max now
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: yeah, that's how I am now... and it makes me mad that people think I've changed when really, I've just started to really, truely hide everything about myself. I've lost my self-respect and self-worth, and that's why I'm like that.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Aww lol my dreams are different. I'm hoping I'll just find that guy that takes my breath away and that I'll drop like 60 pounds one night in my sleep... lol
Stacey: okay, you want me to tell you how youve changed?
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: sure I guess
Stacey: okay, kairanne used to be one of my best freinds we could talk about anything, and i felt that way about nikki too, several people,, but the freinds i used to have aren't my freinds anymore,, they grew up, and changed, they go attitude problems, and they were too good to hang out with me anymore,, and then about a eyar ago, was when i started being freinds with you, ahsley, heather, kinsey, i guess chelsea, and tiffany,, and i told myself, i wasn't going to let yall slip away just like my old freinds did,,
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I don't think I have an attitude problem.... do I ever treat you badly?!
Stacey: i didnt want any of you to change,,, and i know i got mad about the max thing, but that has nothing to do with it,, even when you were iwht travis i didnt notice a change, you actually seamed happy when you were with him, but earlier this year, starting during beauty and the beast practices was when i really started noticing a change in you
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: but what changed?
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: We've all changed- Kinsey, Tiffany, Heather, me... we've all changed. You've changed. Change isn't a bad thing!
Stacey: you started becoming more moody, and even kinsey ntoiced that you didnt always have her back,, but a couple times i would even ctahc you making comments to me that jsut seamed very sarcastic,, a couple times in front of winter, like you were trying to act older, and didnt care if your commetns hurt my feelings or not, and then in teh past month youve lied to me and i had to go to heather and get the truth,, you told me ,,,,,,
Stacey: that you had to leave and couldnt stay at that practcie cuz of personal problems,, and you didnt want to talk about it,, and then i found out it was to make masks,, i didnt care about that, it was the fact that you lied, and even if it was a personal problem,, --you were treating my like a director,, not as a freind,, i would hear you talk about your problems to other people way before i even found out about them,, and it just seams like recently youve been distancing yourself from people, and especially me
Stacey: except now,, i used to write you emails, and would reply back with just as long of an email, now you might just email back one sentecne, or not talk to me as much. you jsut seam diffrent, and i dont want you to dinsatnce yourself and turn into a krsyatl, i feel like you do certain things to look cool.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Well, first of all- the masks, I didn't think that was a good excuse to get out of rehearsal, and I really didn't want to deal with people there anyways... and with the distancing, you're right, I have, but I have reasons. I don't want everyone in the theater knowing what i'm doing or not doing, and even you have admitted you can't keep a secret. I don't want you blabbing my secrets, that's not fair to me, so the best way to keep it away from everyone is to not tell everyone.
Stacey: now ive started crying
Stacey: but by the time it gets to me now, everyone already knows
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Yeah, I do certain things to look cool- doesn't everyone? You changed for Max... I'm just changing for age... I don't want to be a sheltered little girl at 16.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Well, there are alot of big things that have happened to me since Monday that I haven't told ANYONE at the theater
Stacey: and guess what,, kinsey was recently chocked to find out that stuff you did with max was in ehr house ,, she nevr knew that
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Yeah she did-- I told her MONTHS ago, she forgot
Stacey: theres a diffrence between you and ashley, she doesnt take things personally, and both you and her curse, and drink or whatever,, but it doesnt seam as bad when she does it, because she never hurts anyones feelings,, sometimes its okay,, to change and look cool, infront of people, jsut make sure your not stepping on someone or cutting them down while your doing it,
Stacey: if that makes sence..
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: and the other difference between me and Ashley? THREE YEARS. DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES. EXPERIENCE. RESPONSIBILITY. PERSONALITY. She and I are hardly the same, so it's not fair to compare me to her.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Besides, she's never had a drinking PROBLEM, and I rarely curse.
JaneStuart: like at my party you said something about "your stupid little game" and i know you meant that as a joke in front of winter, but it kind of hurt my feelings, and like when im syaing something in chicago rehearsal,, you say yeh whats the big deal, about like the curse, words,, well anyways,, i dont talk back to krystal or karianne, because i dont like them,, they arent my freinds, and i dont want you to turn into to them,, thats all
Stacey: just dont cross over to the other side..
Stacey: but instead of hiding my feelings till ater, the next time you do something,, im just gonna stop and say kristena your doing it again, okay?
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I don't plan on becoming them, but I can't stay 14 forever. That's when you started really liking me, I was 14, stupid, naive....
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Okay, that's fine, I don't mind.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I just wish changing wasn't such a big deal!
Stacey: actaully no, it was when you were 15,, i hate you the first year you were at the theatre, i wasnt your freind at all, you were always whining on why you werent getting parts, and we had nothing in common
Stacey: sorry,
Stacey: i actually was heathers freind before i was yours
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I know
Stacey: i dont really think i started being kinseys freind until she started working wiht me
Stacey: im kind of thinking tiffany is distnacing herself from me only because she'll dreop me in a heart beat if a perkinson walks thru the door
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: but I don't get it... why don't you not like how the rest of them have changed?
Stacey: Well, i can't change max, i know that,, but he wont even listen,, at least your listening . sorry my aunt flow's in town, so im moody right now, but at least she'll be gone before the concert
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: WEll like I told Chelsea, I can't change how I've become
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: Sorry
Stacey: everyone siad you changed last year, only i didnt see it, it never effected me until last month. everyone hasn't changed i dont think,,, i has nothing to do with what you do, bad habits,, it has to do with feelings, and being there as a freind,, thats all....i dont care about about like you sleeping with people or any of that junk
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: but you told your mom about it
Stacey: you do whatver you want to do,k your growing up, i just dont want peoples growing up to effect my freinships with them,, dont you undertsnad that?
Stacey: no i didnt ,,, tracey did
Stacey: and i never told her about you and max,, because then she yell at me for going to yuor party
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I do understand that... but as I grow up we will be distanced because .... honestly... can you handle it? I understand if you can't handle it, that's why I don't tell you.
Stacey: and im also really moody latley becauze max hasnt responded to my emails or my card i sent him ,so ive been really sad lately.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: ah
Stacey: i only get hurt when you sarcastic to me and keep stuff from me that evryone else alreayd knows,, or like liying to me,, but as long as it has nothing to do with max,, i really could care less to know anything about your personal life anymore,,
Stacey: unless you need to talk about something
Stacey: what i mean is,, what you do doesnt upset me,, only how you treat me,, but ill let you know if you do it again
Stacey: k, ill let you go now.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: but I respect you always.... as an adult. Except for the lying, but that's on a professional level.
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I don't talk sarcastically to you.
Stacey: yes you do,, and me and kinsey notice, that sometimes you talk like your an adult,, like you convince people your right,, like your a walking encyclopedia,, lol,, but thats okay sometimes,, sometimes you make a very convinceing lier,, you should actually be a lwayer, you convince people of stuff,,
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: but I don't lie alot.... you're acting like I lie ALL THE TIME.
Stacey: NO, i said your change to me has just occured in the last month.
Stacey: thats why im trying to stop you before it continues
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: I've been trying to get better in the last month... guess it's not working.
Stacey: maybe your getting better, was shifting onto to me.. lol
Stacey: its okay, just dont let it happen again. oh yeh,, and when you told besty you had a crew meeting when my mom was standing there, and said we havent had a crew meeting in like 15 years..
Stacey: hahahahahhahahah- busted
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: yeah.... that was one time, and you have to admit it was pretty funny.
Stacey: but if my mom hadnt told her, besty beliveed you, because you convince people.
Stacey: k, im ending the discussion,,
LoVinLyFeAndGuYs: okay bye