(no subject)

Mar 23, 2005 23:10

I know I've been neglecting livejournal, but I had to come back to say.....


Too bad I have to share with Karianne.....

That is all.

Oh WAIT! I got a cute new skirt from the new Kohl's (That place is clothing Heaven!)

.... and now my mood is shot. This is a convo me and Stacey had...

Stacey: before, way before max,, you seamed kind of content with your life,, you had little crushes on jacob and all and it was cute,, but maybe you were lonlye , not popular, but you still were little perky and ahppy, but then after max, you would like i said oneday,, at your party how you told heather not to be immature about the lipstick, when i thought you were yourself... i see you doing that all the time to heather, but
Stacey: then after you dated travis,,,,,,
Stacey: you became alittle too overconfident,, it was like things didnt matter anymore, the way you dressed,, but ,, while you were dating him, you seamed happy, like he was there to take the place of max,, maybe a little too much, and maybe it went too far.. but i didnt care. but especially recently the super bowl and drew
Imablondangel07: what do you mean? I don't like Drew
Stacey: its like when someone tries to tell you something you dont always lsiten,, you were turning into tiffany,, your are fine, but let a perkinson, or hot guy walk in the room, and your attention span goes out the window,, and you treat people diffrent.. its doesnt really effect me at all...
Imablondangel07: do I really????? No one's ever told me that before..... who do I change around? I don't chase hott guys.... think BATB cast party... I stayed away from them!
Stacey: but then recently when you yelled at your mom,, i felt bad.. and then when i heard the thing about your dad, i was like, maybe i need to say something.. but i can tell a hcnage though,, unless i dont know,,, you havent really been drinking latley like last summer have you? i mean you seam to be perky now,, and fine..
Stacey: its hard to explain, because its not me its really effecting all that much.. theres other people that have noticed the changes more... i personally just feel its the fact that your growing up,,, and youve become more outgoing,, but with outgoingness sometimes comes attitude problems,, whihc I do with my own mom... ,,,well ive noticed that your not depressed anymore,, that youve gotten over max,, i mean you really really depressed last summer,, but apparenlty other poeple think you are..
Stacey: i jsut didnt want your dad to think bad of the theatre, or your mom, because any problems that have occured, really, with travis or at school,, have been at school,, not the theatre, i feel like the theatre is where you come to relieve your stress
Imablondangel07: It really is just me growing up.... changing..... who are the other people? Kinsey? She's been different around me too.... Everyone's changing, it's not just me.... why do I get singled out over it?? If I'm not disrespecting anyone or being mean, then why do people worry about it? If anything, I've become LESS confident since I've gone out with Travis... I feel like I'm not worth anything anymore. Nobody wants me.
Imablondangel07: That's exactly what I do... I come to the theater so I can do what I have a passion for.... but it seems lately people have had problems with me when I haven't done anything!
Stacey: well my own personally opinion,, and ive done this before,, if theres something that i know i want i sometimes step on people or push my freinds aside ot get waht i want, or i get blinded somtimes,, kinsey has noticed you being a little more outgoing and some attitute ness,, but i think she was jsut more worried that youd get pregnant before karianne did. jus kddin.. i think she jsut worried about you.. but my mom is the one who said most of it to me,, because of grown ups that have talked to her
Imablondangel07: which grown ups??? I've always hated theater because I never hear about this from the peopel who are saying it! Noone's come up to me from the theater, I've talked to some people at church about it, but at theater? No one's expressed any concern
Imablondangel07: If you are talking about guys, the only guys I like go to TD
Stacey: i think grown ups and not from me!!!!!!! have found out that you've drank before, have done the dirty a few times, and i think people are jsut talking, but i was just more worried about,, your dad taking you away. thats all.
Imablondangel07: Is it bad to be outgoing??
Imablondangel07: But which grownups???
Stacey: sometimes... if your more outgoing your more likely to say things before thinking....... maybe, my own opinion..
Stacey: i dont want to say,, because they may have swore my mom to secrecy, or maybe you talk to them and they are betraying your trust,, talking to my mom about it,, but i think its cuz they know that im her daughter and that ill talk to you.. bt if you really want to know,,
Imablondangel07: But before, I always felt awkward, and like no one really liked me.... now I'm starting to feel b etter about myself.... accepting all the quirks about me I've never gotten used to..... standing up for myself, making my own decisions.... I feel like I've grown, if anything.... I don't understand why people liked the awkward, unsure, unstable me..... right now I'm in a good position, before (when you said I hadn't changed) I was actually changing and at my worst
Imablondangel07: I would like to know.... it won't get back to them
Stacey: and slo, your mom told bonnie one day, she was complainging about driivng yall everywhere, and stuff. and bonnie told her she should be greatful to have two loving daughters, haha
Stacey: well, your mom for one,,, your grandmother,,, michelle (not your best freind-- i mean hope's mom- was talking to my mom during contata practcie about her and tj trying to talk to you.)
Stacey: and my momt old her that i would talk to you about your problems, because you would open up to me more
Imablondangel07: I tell Miss Michelle everything.... she knows more about me as an adult than my own mother!
Stacey: but ive never heard bonnie say anything abd about you if thats good for anything
Imablondangel07: There are so many things no body knows but her, and maybe Pastor Ivan
Imablondangel07: aww lol thanks for that atleast! She's very influential as an adult
Stacey: oh okay
Imablondangel07: Did Michelle tell your mother about the mistake I made?
Imablondangel07: Or just that I needed to be talked to?
Stacey: the only time bonnies ever said anything was hte night of the super bowl, she was like why does she want to saty at drews, does she think something is gonna happen? ,, but i think she was jsut joking around.. shes never gotten amd at you, id dont think,, and im sure she probably know about your guilty sins, but has never said anything to me or my mom
Stacey: i dont even know what the mistake is??? i assumed you meant, having sex with travis.
Imablondangel07: well that's good atleast..... I always thought Bonnie didn't like me
Imablondangel07: no
Imablondangel07: lol
Stacey: MATT?
Imablondangel07: no
Imablondangel07: maybe?
Stacey: yes
Imablondangel07: and you can't tell anyone
Imablondangel07: because this is something noone knows about
Imablondangel07: Of the theater, Winter is the only one that knows.. and Heather.... and my mom
Stacey: dont worry. i dont even no him.. and i think its mean how hes treating you..
Stacey: so did he not want to go out with you afterwards, or did your mom jsut seperate yall?
Imablondangel07: he had a girlfriend..... we weren't going out
Stacey: well i know your mom, told my mom she bought you a pregnacy test or she took you to the doctor or something which seamed odd,, since you havent been w/ travis in several months.
Imablondangel07: but he told me he was tired of being a virgin, and used the fact that I liked him so much against me until I gave in
Stacey: oh, did you shoot him roxie?
Stacey: was that the mistake
Stacey: that you missed !!!!!!????
Imablondangel07: nope
Imablondangel07: but I've been dealing with that for a few weeks, what with his parent,s my parents, and his g/f finding out
Stacey: okay, im swear, i wont tell anyone.. especially kinsey. i mean if it was drew ,, that would be something juicy to talk about,, but you know.. your secrets safe with me,, cuz ive leanred telling secrets only gets me in trouble..
Stacey: k im going to bed now
Imablondangel07: okay
Imablondangel07: thanks!

... She's so going to tell. I know it. But atleast this isn't school.

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