Aug 30, 2012 12:53
Late for work this morning due to having to chase a small, squeaky ball of fur around the house while the cat sat and watched me just radiating self-satisfaction. My flatmate is away for the week so I'm looking after her cat who has a tendency to object to this by bringing in either half eaten, soggy bodies or very much alive, running and squeaking bodies. I think she finds the live ones far more fun because then she gets to watch me run round like a maniac. I also have to be careful in my room because, no matter how well I think I've shut the door, she decides to curl up on my bed. She only does this while my flatmate is away so I'm not used to it and, while it doesn't particularly bother me (provided I've not left my fiddle out on the bed) as such, it's a bit unnerving to sit down on the bed and have a sudden, unexpected, startled big ball of fur shoot past you. Ah well.
Well, 1st day of diet passed successfully, mostly, I assume, because I'm knacked from Shrewsbury and fell asleep on the settee so didn't have any urge to eat anything due to being, well, asleep. This approach is probably not going to help my exercise levels however... Oh well, onwards and, um, onwards.
Going with some of Armaleggan to see Edward II at Wallingford Bunkfest tomorrow. Am picking people up so should probably clear all my camping gear out of the car tonight...